I don't think the problem comes from the language of the game, because I have a french version of the game, and it works. Perhaps you haven't installed properly the mod. Try to resinstall it.
9 years ago
Hello! I have a problem. My game crashes at the loading screen for the moon with error: Couldn't (wavy ine)(wavy line)-g__-gtml_t6_wpn_smg_peacek(wavy Line)00089493
Is it because I got russian language? Or are there other problems? Please, respond.
Is it because I got russian language? Or are there other problems? Please, respond.
9 years ago
its nice but where is pack a punch
In the first message of this thread there is a map with seven teddy bears you must shoot. It unlocks PaP in the wooden shed of the house...
9 years ago