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Messages - Discordish Mate

I don't think the problem comes from the language of the game, because I have a french version of the game, and it works. Perhaps you haven't installed properly the mod. Try to resinstall it.

Great! Now it works! Thank you! Although there are no new weapons in th new mod for me, except starting pistol.
9 years ago
Hello! I have a problem. My game crashes at the loading screen for the moon with error: Couldn't (wavy ine)(wavy line)-g__-gtml_t6_wpn_smg_peacek(wavy Line)00089493

Is it because I got russian language? Or are there other problems? Please, respond.
9 years ago
its nice but where is pack a punch
 :alone: :rainbow:
In the first message of this thread there is a map with seven teddy bears you must shoot. It unlocks PaP in the wooden shed of the house by truck. Also unlocks the ending which I didn't find.
9 years ago
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