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Messages - Samoth

great dude, I made the "instant kill" bonus work, a pretty useful and logical function, can you still teach a lesson, for example, how to add a purchased elevator that works after turning on the power, with a closing door, and so that it makes sounds when you ride in it, and also preferably with switching light bulbs (red-green, like in a trap)?That would be very wonderful.

Double Post Merge: February 11, 2024, 03:44:09 pm

great dude, I made the "instant kill" bonus work, a pretty useful and logical function, can you still teach a lesson, for example, how to add a purchased elevator that works after turning on the power, with a closing door, and so that it makes sounds when you ride in it, and also preferably with switching light bulbs (red-green, like in a trap)?That would be very wonderful.
Hello dud and thx. i'm happy to know u successfull. I'm not able to do you'r elevator tutorial. But you should know that on other maps there are elevator scripts, on battery for example. Maybe it will help you if you dig through the files.
12 months ago
​Hello, I present to you my first and short map "Undead City".
I started this map a long time ago but didn't want to continue.
Today I would like to extend the map but I am publishing this playable version. So I don't consider this map realy finished, I would add some additional details, fx, easter egg ext.
I hope you enjoyed this map! Do not hesitate to let me know your feedback and your review or any bugs if you find any.
Download link:
Spoiler: click to open...




Buildable Powerswitch
Shippuden Perks BO2 & BO3
Customs Weapons
egg music
Buyable max ammo
and more..
ps: you have to search on this map a bit to unlock some features.
12 months ago
Hello this is my first post and "tutorial". This fonction is inspired by NGcaudle tutorial (buyable ending) so thx.
This have for effect to buys with a trigger a bonus spawnable in a script_struct. Exemple for max ammo.
Step 1- Go to yourmapname.gsc, u can find this file in Blackops/raw/maps and open it.
Step 2- Find this line in youmapname.gsc "maps_zombiemode::main();" below past this :
Code Snippet
    ammo_trig = getentarray( "max_ammo","targetname" );
    array_thread( ammo_trig,::max_ammo );
Step 3 - At the bottom of this same file "yourmapname.gsc" paste this
Code Snippet
//////Buyable bonus by Samoth
    user = undefined;
    cost = 5000;                        // Cost here
    self setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
    self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
    self setHintString("press ^3&&1 ^7Max Ammo [Cost: "+cost+"]"); // Hintstring for buyable ammo
        self waittill("trigger", user);
        if( is_player_valid(user) && user.score >= cost )
            play_sound_at_pos( "cha_ching", self.origin );
            user thread maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( cost );
            //self delete(); add this if u want delete trigger after use
            level notify( "max_ammo" );
            level thread give_max_ammo();
            play_sound_at_pos( "no_cha_ching", self.origin );
    struct = getstruct("maxammo_spawn","targetname"); // name of struct
    maps\_zombiemode_powerups::specific_powerup_drop( "full_ammo", struct.origin ); // full ammo= name of bonus

You can change variable of text u want say and the cost, as well as your bonus type.
I don't know if it's necessary but I advise you to copy the following files in your mods/map. (if you don't have this map folder create it).
go to blackops/raw/maps:
this is for the function access thread
Steps4 go to radiant ---> and create a trigger use with thats keys:
targetname  "max_ammo" and target "maxammo_spawn"

And a script_struct with thats key:
targetname maxammo_spawn

The bonus spawns at the location of the script_struct that can be activated by the trigger. Because the trigger targets the struct.
Don't forget to build and compile. You'r done.
1 year ago
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