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Messages - Dark_Ninja

This was a long time ago and I had forgot I had found the fixes. For the PaP camos it was turning Specular map on but then it was buggy because terrible reflection probes and compiling the patch fixed the lightning fx being missing.
4 years ago
After some tweaking, a small update is ready. This will add more weapons, changes to lighting and some other environmental changes, all of which I eagerly await feedback on. Explore between two houses as familys rise from the soil around, head down the alley and slay the lines of undead, or head into the open field and keep yourself open to options


Cristian_M - Winter's Howl
tobin_g1213 - Modern Warfare Weapons
gympie6 - Black Ops Perks
shippuden1592 - Black Ops Weapons

MW1 / BO1 Weapons
Winter's Howl
13 Perks

(NOTE: this is an earlier build of the map and I will be working on a new and better looking one with more features. I am still new to this so if there are any bugs or issues I haven't come across post below and I'll do my best to fix them.)

4 years ago
Some really nice lighting would go great here bud!,

other than that the zoning for the dogs need to be fixed sometimes they only spawn in certain areas.

If you really want to make this a good map just a little bit of detail and maybe less field and it should be good :)
Alright. I'm new to this so I'd have to experiment with lighting more to make it look better. I'll have to take a look at the zoning as that's something I yet to properly understand as I was unable to find good tutorials and the only thi g I found was each new room should be it's own zone and add_adjacent_zones for ones connected with each other.

I always planned on adding more detail and weapons but since I had a decently functional build I wanted to rease it as a starter. I'll take a look at reducing the overall size of the field as I added it as a training spot but I didn't know if it was too big or not.

 Thank you for your input.
4 years ago
I am new to mapping and have got my first build of a map done. I know people don't exactly like when a map is waw weapons only, so I tried to find some weapon packs or stuff to download. In the UGX Full Weapons section I got a small mw1 weapons pack and winter's howl but there aren't many. I would port weapons myself but there aren't good tutorials nor do I have the other games. I was wondering if there are any other places to get some weapons. Thanks in advance.
4 years ago
After a few weeks of dedication, trial and error and learning, I am proud to release an early version of my first, proper zombies map. Explore between two houses as familys rise from the soil around, head down the alley and slay the lines of undead, or head into the open field and keep yourself open to options.


Cristian_M - Winter's Howl
tobin_g1213 - Modern Warfare Weapons
gympie6 - Black Ops Perks

MW1 Weapons
Winter's Howl
13 Perks

(NOTE: this is an earlier build of the map and I will be working on a new and better looking one with more features. I am still new to this so if there are any bugs or issues I haven't come across post below and I'll do my best to fix them.)

4 years ago
I'm quite new to mapping and want to add some custom weapons to my map. I added a Winter's Howl in which I got lucky with it simply being drag and drop. Now I am trying to add a COD4 pack but I'm getting confused with adding it to _zombiemode_weapons.gsc. I understand the basic template aside from the different "vox" and the number on the end. Any help with what these are / mean is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

(This is the COD4 pack
4 years ago
So I'm tryna add these weapons, I'm adding them to _zombiemode_weapons.gsc, and idk what the vox or numbers on the ends are. I'm new to this sorta stuff.
4 years ago
So I am very new to mapping and such, and I'm working on my first relativley big map and I wanted to add a moving mystery box. So I put the ugx_mystery_box prefab in instead of the regular treasure_chest and did the whole Enter Prefab and gave the trigger key 'script_noteworthy'  value 'start_chest' and on the second mystery box 'chest1' as that's what I've seen you were meant to do. Now when I launch my map I am encountering a script runtime error.
Code Snippet
******* script runtime error *******
pair 'default_treasure_chest_' and 'undefined' has unmatching types 'string' and 'undefined': (file 'maps/_zombiemode_weapons.gsc', line 730)
 self set_hint_string( self, "default_treasure_chest_" + cost );
Error: called from:
(file 'common_scripts/utility.gsc', line 586)
  entities ] thread [[ process ]]();
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/_zombiemode_weapons.gsc', line 582)
 array_thread( level.chests, ::treasure_chest_think );
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/_zombiemode_weapons.gsc', line 11)
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/_zombiemode.gsc', line 59)
Error: called from:
(file 'maps/infected_street.gsc', line 119)
Error: started from:
(file 'maps/infected_street.gsc', line 9)
As I had said I am new to mapping and don't understand what I can do to fix this. Any help is appreciated.​
4 years ago
I first noticed that some textures were missing when testing out a map I was making. Some parts of pack a punched guns are black or in case of the packed wunderwaffe completly black. Also when I shot myself with the wunderwaffe i got a checkered missing texture styled overlay rather than the shock effect. I loaded a game of Der Riese to test if it was just my map but these issues still occured. Was it something that happened when the modtools installed? Is there a way to get these textures back? Any help given is greatly appreciated.

EDIT: The shock effect works on Der Riese but most of the pack a punched Wunderwaffe is black still.
4 years ago
I'm new to map-making and I added some custom guns into the files and used the mod builder to add them. Now when I load my maps I get:
ERROR:  Server script compile error
bad syntax
 add_zombie_weapon( "mosin_rifle",       &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_MOSIN_200",     200, "",    0);
(see console for details)

When I check the log:

******* Server script compile error *******
Error: bad syntax: (file 'maps/_zombiemode_weapons.gsc', line 201)
 add_zombie_weapon( "mosin_rifle",       &"ZOMBIE_WEAPON_MOSIN_200",     200, "",    0);

Any help would be appreciated!
4 years ago
I'm new to map-making so I've been following a tutorial to make a simple box map. everything was going well until it got to dogs. I've got the actor set up correctly and struct set up correctly I think. Any help would be appreciated!
Their KPVs are:
targetname              | zombie_spawner_dog_init
spawnflags              | 3
script_forcespawn | 1
script_noteworthy  | zombie_dog_spawner
script_string            | zombie_chaser
export                       | 3
model                       | zombie_wolf
classname               | script_struct

Structs (all 4):

targetname | start_zone_spawners_dog
classname  | script_struct
4 years ago
I am very new to modding / mapping and am following a tutorial where so far a room has been made and textured and a solo spawn point has been placed as well as 4 script_structs for multiplayer spawns. They then showed how to mod and compile it. I did notice that during modding it was failing to find files but said that everything was successful so I assumed it was fine, but upon compiling when it tried to launch I received a window saying:

      num_entities != 1

Module:   C:\Program Files (86x)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty World at War\bin\cod2map.exe
File:      E:\cod5\cod\modtoolssrc\cod2map\map.ccp
Line:      1899"

I have no idea what this means and would be glad if anybody could help. Any help is greatly appreciated!
4 years ago
I'm just getting into map-making / modding and I followed the wiki's guide to install mods. Upon downloading the files and putting the zone_source, map_source, and raw folders into my root folder everything seemed to be going well. But upon loading the launcher and clicking on radiant and attempting to load codwaw.prj I get "FATAL ERROR: Couldn't load fileSysCheck.cfg." as said I'm new and have no ideas where to begin with why this occurred nor how to fix it. I have already tried verifying file integrity from the Steam client to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Double Post Merge: August 17, 2020, 09:31:51 pm

As it turns out I had to put everything in the root
4 years ago
I understand this is an old mod, but once I downloaded it, it disabled my loading screen (the one when you first load up the game) I was wondering if there was a way to re-enable it?
5 years ago
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