To give some context... I am working on a custom map on World at War... however I took the decision to move it over to Black Ops 1, I downloaded the game, and the mod tools from Steam, then I downloaded "game_mod" to excecute the mods then I downloaded the "Linkermod" and the "Mod tools fix", I was also following this video tutorial ( ) I extracted everything, the first I did was go to... bin / scripts / and executed "setup.bat" to extract the .iwd files and when that finished I executed launcher as administrator and did the conversion, after that was done I created a map and immediatly compilded built the mod, and when started playing the map, it gave an error that "maps/_zombiemode_utility" was missing, however in the video that I watched it worked... but anyway, I went to raw, got the file... and built once again the mod, and gave an error that another file was missing, and then kept copying files from raw to the mod until, it even gave errors about missing files that were not in the raw files but I still managed to find those files online or someone shared me a few raw files that that person had but until I got into a dead end which is where I am at right now... That dead end is that the xanim "t5_viewmodel_camera_mantle" had the "tag_camera" bone missing... I talked about my problem with a few people that currently is modding Black Ops 1, they have told me that they have never encounter with this problem... They told me that the game did not gave them the errors about missing files... but for some reason it did with me, and I do not know what to do now...
My objective with this threat is to see if someone can help me out to figure out with does the game asks me for those files and not for them, and in case that that was not possible, at least to solve the problem about the animation...