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Messages - hiyaimcool

So I'm wanting to play music during dog rounds and have my song and alias all set up, but I don't know how to add it properly. I came across this:, but it didn't work at all. Is that the correct way or is there another way?
7 years ago
So since mod tools updated, there has been a loud noise coming from the PAP when I get close to it, but all of the sound files are correct and I don’t know where it’s coming from. What would be the best way to troubleshoot where it’s coming from?
7 years ago
So I have a number of custom sounds in my map and they have been working fine, but after one point, any new sounds I have added don't work. I make sure they are 48k 16 wav, put the alias in, make sure the alias is scripted in to load, etc, but no new sounds work. What could be causing this?
7 years ago
Yupp. I didn't change anything from what it used to be.
8 years ago
Honestly, the only problem I have now is no sounds for Brutus or the perks even though I fixed them before.
8 years ago
Alright. I'll watch that and get back to you later.

Double Post Merge: June 01, 2017, 03:33:55 am
watch this vid:

So the video said to have natural lighting in, however my whole map is actually a model (ported from another game as a model), so I don't know what I can do here.

Double Post Merge: June 01, 2017, 03:52:09 am
Actually, this part does have natural lighting as you can see from the roof. Things still disappear

Double Post Merge: June 01, 2017, 04:00:56 am
I am so fucking stupid. I found the source of the problem. I had a reversed normals version of the beginning three rooms, so when it looked like light was coming in, it actually wasn't. seems to work...... for now
8 years ago
After reading this part "Using caulk is fine it just may be that the room is engulfed (not bordered but a solid brush) by a texture that the player is not meant to be inside (opposite is volume, trigger, etc). I thought this could be the case as when looking through caulk, models on and walls on the other sides flash in a similar way that yours do."

 I checked around my map and I have a skybox (hollowed), sky texture box (hollow), 60 or die (filled in), caulk (forgot if I do or not but if I do, it's filled in), and multiple filled in volumes. Could it be any of those?
8 years ago
It happens in soooooo many different places though. That's the first one I saw
8 years ago
What would be the point is diving that into two though?
8 years ago
It does cover the whole room and it is divided with that door in front. That door is a totally different zone
8 years ago
I have moved them around. I don't know if I should make them bigger, smaller, or do something else with them
8 years ago
Hmm, I'm not sure then. Sorry  :(

Alright man. I'll figure it out soon. Maybe you can help me with another problem I'm having. In certain spots on my map, if you walk into them, some things disappear, like certain fx, zombies, perks, the box, some models, etc. Why could this be? Here is what I mean:
8 years ago
If you put stuff in the files treyarch provided, they get cleared every update

The files were put into their own folders with their own names and after the update, I made sure they were still there and then I fixed the alias file again but only three or four of those sounds work now.
8 years ago
After the most recent mod tools update, my maps wouldn't build so I had to verify the cache and such, and I had to rebuild my sound alias(es) afterwards and now only the sounds under "custom sounds" in my sound alias (posted) work even though all files are there. What could be the problem?

Here is the file:
8 years ago
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