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Messages - imreigning

Oh snap that comment made me excited!!   :)
8 years ago
Hey when are you expecting the map to come out? I have been really excited :)
8 years ago
:") Im so happy :')
8 years ago
Hey when is the map comming out? If you need any textures made let me know!
8 years ago
OMG Cant wait!!!!
8 years ago
Beaten first try round 25 with Cosmic_Faith. Good map man!! Not to hard not to easy. Great guns. Awesome story!!! Sick rooms. And more. Thanks for this piece man, twas epic!
8 years ago
Hey WhippyTrout, i had an idea. If you made a boat or raft/boat of somekind in the water as a way to travel around the map in times of need. and put buyable gun ammo and usefull supplies like that in the boat. Or maybe a boat like this.. if not a pirate ship or row boat for other ideas..

9 years ago
Hahahahaha don't worry, I have my own weapons I've been working on. Plus I was able to make some new areas without hitting the texture limit.
I'm not exactly sure if you can bind the worldspawn settings to a model to make the light move like you said but I will definitely look into it. I never thought of that before. I'm also looking into the weather thing too. Thanks man for the ideas.

Yeah man no prob, i love the map so far. So yeah the main idea was the weather idea using the dog rounds weather change default script to change the weather throughout the game. It doesnt have to be on dogg/boss rounds. You can still use the default script but just dont have any dogs come if you just want to make weather change without the boss/dog rounds..

Oops i meant to reply to our conversation btw

Double Post Merge: May 03, 2016, 12:33:58 am
One more thing, please change up the damage of the guns to be more realistic. The pistols should be alot stronger and the snipers for example. I understand packapunch makes them stronger but i feel like the pistols are to week and its unrealistic. It would be cool to have the pistols stronger.

BUT FOR A SERIOUS IDEA PLEASE READ GOOD STUFF... Changing the damage of all the guns to be REALSITIC.. So you can start out with a knife only and your first gun, the pistol, can be pretty expensive since the guns are  stronger and more realistic.. here me out
If your going to do this, which i hope you do, you can make it so that the points in game are based on kills and not each shot to compensate for the lesser amount of points people might get with stronger guns.. Still making the heat shots, knifes worth more. You can also make the window rebuild points more. Something else is more points for revives. Also big points for Killing bosses. This point system is very much like quizz's mod from the beta map TMG Skyland.  BUT Heres the catch/change...

Something else i thought of was making the progression of the map based on challenges. So the doors/barriers of the map will not be money based by challenge or easter egg based. For example a door might say 25 zombie kills and act as a soul chest with the souls going into a soul lantern by the door or something. Another example could be 12 grenades to open door. So you have to use all your grenades for a couple rounds to blow up the barrier completely. Another example could be finding keys, etc. So all this together makes the game more realistic and uses points more for upgrading guns. And makes the progression of the map challenge based etc..

Also you can make in game challenges for money and more like in origins. You can make it so that there are a bunch of challenges listed in game (in origins bo2 map there is a challenge chest) all around the different parts of the map. With the slower point progression with guns you will be obliged to do the challenges for more money and extras to buy weapons and stuff since the doors are challenge based.
9 years ago
Hahahahaha don't worry, I have my own weapons I've been working on. Plus I was able to make some new areas without hitting the texture limit.
I'm not exactly sure if you can bind the worldspawn settings to a model to make the light move like you said but I will definitely look into it. I never thought of that before. I'm also looking into the weather thing too. Thanks man for the ideas.

9 years ago
Nice man!!!

I got a great idea. Weather and or daytime changes. so youve seen the 'weather change' that happens during dog rounds by default in world at war zombies? You could make it so that when its a boss round or something like dog rounds you can trigger that weather change. You can make the weather change end after the rounds or  so that it stays until a certain amount of time or the next weather trigger. You can also make the intensity of the weather change progressive so that it portrays the urgency of the boss/dogs rounds. So lets say the map starts out morning lighting with light rain and then its about to be a boss round and the HEAVY rain starts (or lighting or snow etc). After the boss round the HEAVY rain turns into light "rain" and the "rain" stops or changes next time theres a weather change trigger all using the default dog rounds "weather changer" (its not really weather change but its close enough to use it to do weather changes.)

Another example of the progression is that you could make it so that it starts out very light snow and when the dogs/boss rounds are gonna start it turns into a blizzard or heavier snow and then after the round the weather subsides again.

Hey another good idea would be changing days and or weather. For the changing day time if possible Make it real time, so that the map starts out, for example, 5 pm and it takes about a couple hours to get dark.  Or where the moons out and it becomes morning within a hour etc..
A way to do this is to make a sun and moon in maya or whatever and make the sun a major light source. Make it move across the sky at the rate it would in real life. Once it reaches the edge/horizon of the map it will get dark because it was a major light source. And the moon is moving at the same rate under the map to replace the sun as a light source as well ( but the moons light)
You can make the map start out with no wheather but when it gets dark it starts to snow fall very lightely. And then the snow can increase until it becomes day light where you can make it light snow fall untill there is no snow if wanted..

9 years ago
Thanks man, I do have an old drivable batmobile I never used, I may modify it into something like you said and let people drive it to and from the prison from the docks.

Nice man!!!
9 years ago
Dude that sounds really cool! Nice!

Oh and i just saw the new picts, looking good, and you obviously know about the lighting objects. Dont overdo it where it doesnt look good though :P Thats my problem with stuff i overdo it.. I mean dont overdo it with the colors and the vision files etc* looking good though cant wait!

Hey man i got an idea for circular flow of the map.
An idea could be having one or more ATVs that you can build or add weaponry and shielding to them to make them more baddass. To make it not to over powered you can make it so that you have to get gasoline and or ammo for them. Maybe you HAVE to get a max ammo for the ATV gun ammo, or you have to find gasoline tanks around the map to fill up the ATVs etc. Another new idea could be Parkour Jumps that zombies cant do. you could make them sick too! And for anti camping purposes you can make the course moving objects or whatever that tilt and youll fall off if you stayed on it to long etc. So like where the zipline would go you put a parkour set to where you jump on to something and to something else like a rope (with ladder script) etc, The parkour can be like random things in the map, or maybe like a broken building etc..

I liked the gonola from the original mod of the dead because it was a safe transport if there was alot of zombies after you especially if you couldnt shoot them all.. .. Maybe you can have a gondola wherever, ziplines from the roof. And that truck idea is cool, but if its not done right itll look dumb.. Like the wheals should spin when it drives at least in my opinion.
9 years ago
Thanks man I'll try and post some more screenshots soon with the updated lighting. I've been tweaking the vision file as well as the worldspawn lighting and colors. I'm making the actual lights in the prison a yellowish tint just like the old timey lights emit. It gives that creepy feel to the map just like MOTD.  ;)

Dude that sounds really cool! Nice!

Oh and i just saw the new picts, looking good, and you obviously know about the lighting objects. Dont overdo it where it doesnt look good though :P Thats my problem with stuff i overdo it.. I mean dont overdo it with the colors and the vision files etc* looking good though cant wait!
9 years ago
I'm trying hard to learn how to apply good lighting to the map. I'm thinking I may include some areas that need power turned on in order to power up the lights like you said.  ;)

Yo, just in case you dont know this already. Putting the light sources in the actuall lighting object. (for example putting the lighting coming from the light bulb by putting the light source in the light bulb..) Also you can do different hues and colors and shades of lights that could pertain to the feel of the area and or light etc...
9 years ago
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