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Topics - insanity3241

Hello, I am having a problem with the Script Placer 2.1 I really want to put a loadingscreen and a main menu screen but it says that I need a 2d material. I couldnt find any tutorials on how to do that and when I actually tried to do it with asset manager I still got the error. Please help, Thanks
9 years ago
I dont know why the last post got locked but here are the pictures of the problem

Now for whats in my ugx_modder_help.gsc

Code Snippet
//UGX Notes: This is code from DLC3 for creating the modderhelp hud. I moved this to an external file for #include purposes. Want to keep the external file references to a minimum (i.e. no maps\_filename::function())

#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

// item: the item to be analyzed
// msg: the message to display if the check fails
// type: the type of check we are performing
// entity: checks if an entity is defined
// test: checks bool value of item parameter.

modderHelp( item, msg, type )
if(!isDefined(type)) type = "entity";
// Developer Needs To Be Set To 1
if( getDvarInt( "developer" ) >= 1 )
// Title
if( !isDefined( level.modderHelpText[ 0 ] ) )
level.modderHelpText[ 0 ] = modderHelpHUD_CreateText( "UGX Modtools Patch Developer Help Center" );

if(type == "entity")
// Check If Entity Exists Or Forced Error Msg
if( !isDefined( item ) )
// Check If Error Msg Exists
if( !isDefined( msg ) )
return false;

// Let Modder Know What's Wrong And How To Fix
level.modderHelpText[ level.modderHelpText.size ] = modderHelpHUD_CreateText( "^1   -" + msg );

return true; // Return That There Was Something Wrong
if(type == "test")
level.modderHelpText[ level.modderHelpText.size ] = modderHelpHUD_CreateText( "^1   -" + msg );

return false;

modderHelpHUD_CreateText( Msg )
temp_modderHelpHUD = newHudElem();
temp_modderHelpHUD.x = 0;
temp_modderHelpHUD.y = (level.modderHelpText.size * 20) - 180;
temp_modderHelpHUD.alignX = "left";
temp_modderHelpHUD.alignY = "middle";
temp_modderHelpHUD.horzAlign = "left";
temp_modderHelpHUD.vertAlign = "middle";
temp_modderHelpHUD.sort = 1;
temp_modderHelpHUD.foreground = true;
temp_modderHelpHUD.fontScale = 1.25;
temp_modderHelpHUD SetText( Msg );
temp_modderHelpHUD.alpha = 0;
temp_modderHelpHUD FadeOverTime( 1.2 );
temp_modderHelpHUD.alpha = 1;

return temp_modderHelpHUD;
10 years ago
I get this problem when trying to run the map

10 years ago
Please Help! This weird screen popped up after I downloaded the UGX update patch for the FX stuff from JR's GCZ Script Placer.. Heres the Pic

10 years ago
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