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Topics - ViperDesigns

So I've been making this map over the past year and it's going pretty well, except for a few huge errors that I have no idea how to fix. The first issue i'm having is that when I spawn into the game, I have no starting pistol or knife. I tried to buy a weapon off of the wall, and still nothing. I have absolutely no idea how to fix this. I could reinstall the mod tools, but my files would stop working because I've had to edit some code to get my map to even launch.

My second problem is textures/lighting. When I buy perks, I have a weird red texture on the perks, and in some rooms, the ceiling has the same red texture. I'll provide pictures. I really need some help here, please and thanks.

Non existing weapons:

Red ceilings:

Red perks:

8 years ago
My senior project in high school is to create a custom zombies map, but I cannot test it. For the past three days, I have tried almost everything to fix the errors, but I have come up with nothing. The crash error I get is the following:

Server script compile error
uninitialized variable 'ugx_scriptplacer_fx_init'
(see console for details)

Console details:

Error: Could not load material "loadscreen_UGX_SCRIPTPLACER_MAPNAM".
(There is no material, but I don't have a clue where it is being called)

******* Server script compile error *******
Error: Uninitialized variable 'ugx_scriptplacer_fx_init': (file 'maps/nazi_zombie_vocation.gsc', line 118)
(I have tried initializing the variable, and changing it to 'nazi_zombie_vocation_fx_init' but I still got the error)

I have Googled everything I could think of to fix this, but I seem to be the only person with the problem. Send help, pls
9 years ago
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