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Messages - UNR34LxPyro

I've recently been using ugx mod on my map, and I've un-installed, but im getting a compiling error saying " Please build the fast file associated with maps/MAPNAME.d3dbsp and try again" I do not know if it is from the ugx or not, but please help.

Am i compiling wrong, trem said it a compiling error, just compile correctly but I'm pretty sure I'm doing that.

*Everything after the guns is just more guns, and the mod.csv (checked), and the mod.arena (checked)

*Also I still have a mod.ff file in my mod folder, is there anyway I can regen that so it does not have ugx anymore?
10 years ago
Well what do I have to do to get that file?
10 years ago
Ok, when I build the mod for my map, then compile, then compile patch, then start the game, the start button doesn't work, and when i use the console it says, " Please build the fastfile associated with maps/MAPNAME.d3dbsp and try again, nvm I give up I just want to un-install it so I can just release the map without ported weapons
10 years ago
I've made one of my best maps, and I've installed ugx standalone in my root and I was using it on the map. Is there anyway to get rid of ugx standalone so I can just use it as a normal map?
10 years ago
WellI cant because I ran the Project mover again, and now its all alien text
10 years ago
Ok I built the mod then compiled then did the things in the vid, and when i start the mod the single player button doesn't work, and when i try to launch it with the console it start then ends then logs into online.
10 years ago
Wait so I build the mod for my map then compile?
10 years ago
Do I build the ugx_mod then compile the map then build the mod for my map? And then use the project mover? And in the video he uses a ugx mod install but i dont have that
10 years ago
Ok, but how do i compile the map?
10 years ago
yes it loks just like that, but with my name instead of ugx_test

Post Merge: April 25, 2014, 02:16:24 am
I need a step by step tut on how to completely compile and run the map with ugx, not just the really small not so good on on the wiki.
10 years ago
Yes, but the troubleshooting thing didn't help. well it might but i don't know how to fix it
10 years ago
I'm working on a map, that is not just one room with flat walls, but I've run into some problems , and the UGX Mod Installation troubleshooting or Tut hasn't really helped with, but I cant seem to figure out how to compile the map correctly so the menu works, and the console doesn't give me an error for having more than 1600 sounds, so if anyone could help me that would be nice, this might not be the place the ask this but it would be nice for a new map maker. Thanks.
10 years ago
That is is exactaly what I needed thank you so much trem
10 years ago
That's the problem, I have asked around but no one has helped me with zoning or multiple room maps, so I got aggravated with multiple rooms and just released this one. I've watched videos. I've posted on forums, I've tried everything, I've even re-installed modtools twice, but none of the tut seen to help or do anything for me.
10 years ago
Sorry for my noobinees, I've recompiled and tested and it is now working so enjoy.
10 years ago
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