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Radiant:" width="840

In-Game:" width="1677
6 years ago
Sup guys. I want to learn how to make initial zones for future reference. Basically, I simply want to know what to write and where to write it in my mapname.gsc to make it a non adjacent zone, but still a zone. So I can teleport to areas, and other zombies will die, so They don't sit there untouched.

Double Post Merge: December 18, 2016, 03:24:43 pm
nvm i figured it out
7 years ago
I made a script that gives you a weapon, but I want the physical weapon model in-game on a shelf. I can't find any weapons in the model list. How can I get a normal BO3 weapon model in my map? Thanks for any replies.  :poker:
7 years ago
I have a zone_2, and when i go to it from start_zone, the zombies that spawned in start_zone stay there. and any zombies that are yet to spawn, spawn in zone_2. And my start_zone is inaccesable from zone_2, so the zombies stay there untouched.  :P
Code Snippet
function usermap_test_zone_init()
level flag::init( "always_on" );
level flag::set( "always_on" );
7 years ago
I have a script using "giveWeapon" but every time I get the weapon while I have 2 weapons already, it tries to give me 3 and of course Samantha curses me. How can I fix this to make it have the normal behavior of replacing a weapon if I have 2? I will put some of my script in just in case it helps, but not the whole script, because it's quite large.

Code Snippet
workbench waittill("trigger",player);

player thread do_knuckle_crack();
player playLocalSound("zmb_cha_ching");
player giveWeapon(getWeapon(level.weaponGiven));
player switchtoweapon(level.weaponGiven);
7 years ago
So i have a little shootable easter egg teddy on my map. I can shoot it, and everything works. But the model will not delete. Please tell me what im doing wrong (the script isn't very good since im new to scripting).

Code Snippet
function moneyteddy()
trigger = GetEnt("money_ted","targetname");
trigger SetHintString("");
trigger SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
teddyModel = GetEnt("ted_model","targetname");
MoneyGiven = 1000;

trigger waittill("trigger",player);
player zm_score::add_to_player_score(MoneyGiven);
player playLocalSound("zmb_cha_ching");
trigger delete();
teddyModel hide();



I have also tried teddyModel delete();
7 years ago
As you might know, the power switch prefab Treyarch provided us is a bit weird. They have a black hand icon (similar to the one in WaW) next to the "Turn on power" text. Here's how to remove it, making your map look more professional.

Here is what the normal text looks like:" width="374

Here is what the new text looks like:" width="309

So lets get into it! First, stamp your power switch prefab." width="866

Next, select ONLY the trigger, and take note of this KVP (cursorhint, HINT_ACTIVATE). We will change it." width="1665

Finally, change HINT_ACTIVATE to HINT_NOICON" width="520

You're done! Comment if you have any problems.
8 years ago
Hello guys. So i've been working on my map for quite a while now, and I just finished making a stairway that goes up to the PaP and a ramp downwards going to speed cola. But when I compile and play my map, the zombies do the glitchy thing that they do when there's no pathnodes, every time I go up or down a ramp. Any help? Thanks!
8 years ago
Hello, fellow mappers and scripters. I was wondering where to edit all the main menu button texts that show up when my mod is running. Thanks!  :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan: :nyan:
8 years ago
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