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Nazi Zombie Terminus
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Map made for the italian youtuber ZombieBest
Quick description/veloce descrizione:
This little map is set in an unknown train station filled of zombies. Will our four heroes escape from terminus? Try to find the answer playing it!/Molti di voi avranno già visto il video di Zombiebest e sanno già che cosa gli aspetta, una mappa piccola e con spazi stretti pieni di zombie. Riusciranno i nostri quattro convinti a fuggire da questa stazione maledetta? A voi la ricerca della risposta :)
List of features/Lista dei contenuti:

Powered by ugx 1.0.3/usa la ugx 1.0.3
Custom menu and loadscreen/grafica del menù e della schermata di caricamento modificata
Terminus in my head special song (made especially for this map by IlDesa)/la canzone Terminus in my head scritta appositamente da desa
8 custom perks from bo1 and bo2/8 bibite prese da black ops 1 e 2
Custom melee weapons/nuove armi da mischia
Easter egg and buyable ending/finale acquistabile


jei9363 for electric cherry
tom-bmx for melee weapons and all his tools
Bamskater33 and Sajeone  for the bo1 perks and fix
Aidan kinostyle teleporter v2
thezombiekilla6 for the zombie counter

Special thanks to Zombiebest and all his friends to gave me this opportunity. Also, thanks to all you ugx guys. without this community i won't never be able to finish this map ;)/Un rigraziamento particolare a Zombiebest e a tutto il suo gruppo per avermi concesso questa possibilità. Ringrazio inoltre tutta la community di questo sito; senza di loro questa mappa non sarebbe stata finita!
eng version download

ita version download
9 years ago
hi, i think to have a really quick solution problem. i'm having issues with this three weapons: the german machine, the vr11 (m40a3 upgraded) and the upgraded dragunov. the german machine and the dragunov doesn't make damage to the zombies and don't plays the fire or the shock animations. the vr 11 kill the zombies without "transform" them into soldiers. anyone have some ideas????
9 years ago
hi guys i've followed this tutorial
the zombies works perfectly if i put the localized_nazi_zombie_terminus.ff file in my mod folder. unfortunately, in this way i loose some materials, sounds and two weapons i've added. so, how can i use my own localized_nazi_zombie_terminus.ff file and get the custom zombies models works correctly?? thanks for all :D
9 years ago
hi, i was creating an installer for finally release my map. anyway, once i've created the installer, if i run it it creates 3 more useless file: bam_bo1_perks.iwd, dlc3_code.iwd and the zone_debugger.iwd. i really don't know why it generates them because there aren't in the mod archive. anyone has an idea?????? :-\

Double Post Merge: November 01, 2014, 08:40:26 am
oh well..... i don't know why but i've rebuilt the installer forr the tird time and now it works.  :lol:
9 years ago
hi, i wanna know where i can find all my map's files that contents the map made in radiant. i've always think it was int the mod.ARENA but i've noticed that it isn't right. so, what are them? really thanks  ;)
9 years ago
hi guys, i want to know if it's possible to set all players spawns without put a script struct in the map, like using radiant cordinates. really thanks
9 years ago
hi, i'm really sad. some time ago i made a map with ugx 1.0.3. some time ago i used the ugx script placer 2 to create a custom map with the 1.4 four that i've deleted some time after. 3 days ago i restarted to work to the first project and all was working fine. today i built for the first time from a lot the ugx_mod ff. now i can't play to my map, why?????
moreover it tells:
server script error: unknown function
if(!modderHelp(self.doors.script_angles,"No script_angles set on door(s). The door will not rotate until this is fixed!"))

Double Post Merge: October 31, 2014, 04:20:54 pm
ok, i've used an old mod.ff and now it works
9 years ago
hi, i've a really bad problem. in coop mode, all players except the host, spawns under the map and fall off. i don't know why this is happening.... i used script_origin for them with this kvp
Code Snippet
targename    origin_teleport_player_1
classname   script_origin
origin   304 160 5408
anyone has an idea???????
9 years ago
hi, i have a problem: when i go down and i'm being revived, i lose the weapon equiped in the second slot. i've not clue from where begin to try to fix this problem.... can someone help me  :(?
mod added (if you need to know wich are):
  • bo 1 perks (i use only phd and stamin-up)
  • bam's melee weapons
  • electric cherry
10 years ago
hi guys, i make a horrible trouble. when i was building my mod i've checked the "build sound" mark. the compiler stop working and gave me an error
Code Snippet
//this is all what it write
Copying  C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\nazi_zombie_terminus\mod.csv
     to  C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\zone_source\mod.csv
Copying  C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\HumorModTWO\mod.arena
     to  C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\HumorModTWO\mod.arena
ERROR: Accesso al percorso 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\HumorModTWO\mod.arena' negato.
Copying  C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\mp_HumorModTWO\mod.arena
     to  C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\mp_HumorModTWO\mod.arena
ERROR: Accesso al percorso 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\mp_HumorModTWO\mod.arena' negato.
Copying  C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War\mods\usermaps\images.iwd
     to  C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\usermaps\images.iwd
ERROR: Accesso al percorso 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Activision\CodWaW\mods\usermaps\images.iwd' negato.

FILES: 18321
ERRORS: 20612
at the bottom of the compiler it's written
Code Snippet
MODSound -pc -ignore_orphans 
when i recompiled the mod and launched successfully all game sound, except for player's gun sound, are really weak. obviously i've checked my sound setting and all it's fine. really thanks for read this and spent a bit of time  ;)
10 years ago
hi guys, i've a very little problem with the electric cherry perk by jei9363. when i get down and also revived i still have it (it isn't too bad after all :lol:)! that's the "going down" script
Code Snippet

self waittill_any( "fake_death", "death", "player_downed" );

self UnsetPerk("specialty_boost");
self.maxhealth = 100;
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_destroy("specialty_boost");

and that's the rest of the file
Code Snippet
#include maps\_anim; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_net;


PrecacheItem( "zombie_perk_bottle_cherry" );
PrecacheShader( "cherry_vending_zombies" );

cherry_trigger = GetEnt( "zombie_vending_cherry", "targetname" );

cherry_trigger thread cherry_trigger_think();

level thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::machine_watcher_factory("cherry_on");


thread wait_a_little();
thread turn_cherry_on();



flag_wait( "all_players_connected" );

level._effect["electric_cherry"] = LoadFx("electric_cherry");

players = get_players();
players[i] thread cherry_think();



flag_wait( "all_players_connected");


self.current_cherry_weapon = self GetCurrentWeapon();

self waittill("reload_start");

if(self hasPerk("specialty_boost"))
if (self.current_cherry_weapon=="tom_katana"||self.current_cherry_weapon=="tom_shovel")
wait 1;
self.tag_origin_cherry = spawn("script_model",self.origin + (0,0,48));
self.tag_origin_cherry setmodel("tag_origin");
self.tag_origin_cherry linkTo(self);

//self.tag_origin delete();

self.currentweapon = self GetCurrentWeapon();
self.clipSize = WeaponClipSize(self.currentweapon);
self.clipRemaining = self GetCurrentWeaponClipAmmo();

zombies = getaiarray( "axis", "all" );

self.cherry_ratio = 1 - (self.clipRemaining/self.clipSize);

self.cherry_radius = (200 * self.cherry_ratio) + 64;

if(Distance2D( self.origin, zombies[k].origin ) < self.cherry_radius)

if(zombies[k].health < 1500)
zombies[k] DoDamage( zombies[k].health + 666 , zombies[k].origin);
zombies[k].deathanim = random( level._zombie_tesla_death[zombies[k].animname] );
zombies[k] maps\_zombiemode_tesla::tesla_play_death_fx(1);
zombies[k] DoDamage( 1500 , zombies[k].origin);
zombies[k] enable_pain();
zombies[k] cherry_play_death_fx();

wait .01;

network_safe_play_fx_on_tag( "tesla_death_fx", 2, level._effect["tesla_shock"],self.tag_origin_cherry,"tag_origin");

self playsound( "imp_tesla" );

zombies[k] disable_pain();

wait .01;
wait 1;

self.tag_origin_cherry delete();


machine = getent("vending_cherry", "targetname");

machine setmodel("bo2_p6_zm_vending_electric_cherry_off");

level waittill("juggernog_on");

machine setmodel("bo2_p6_zm_vending_electric_cherry_on");
machine vibrate((0,-100,0), 0.3, 0.4, 3);
machine playsound("perks_power_on");
machine thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_fx("doubletap_light");

level notify( "specialty_boost_power_on" );


perk = "specialty_boost";

self SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();

notify_name = perk + "_power_on";

level waittill("juggernog_on");

perk_hum = spawn("script_origin", self.origin);
perk_hum playloopsound("perks_machine_loop");

self thread check_player_has_perk(perk);

self SetHintString("Press & hold &&1 to buy Electric Cherry [Cost: 2000]");

for( ;; )
self waittill( "trigger", player );
index = maps\_zombiemode_weapons::get_player_index(player);

cost = 2000;

if (player maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )

if(player in_revive_trigger())

if( player isThrowingGrenade() )
wait( 0.1 );

if( player isSwitchingWeapons() )

if ( player HasPerk( perk ) )
self playsound("deny");
player thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_no_money_perk_dialog();

if ( player.score < cost )
self playsound("deny");
player thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_no_money_perk_dialog();

sound = "bottle_dispense3d";
player achievement_notify( "perk_used" );
playsoundatposition(sound, self.origin);
player maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( cost );

sound = "mx_cherry_sting";

self thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::play_vendor_stings(sound);

gun = player perk_give_bottle_begin();
player.is_drinking = 1;
player waittill_any( "fake_death", "death", "player_downed", "weapon_change_complete" );

// restore player controls and movement
player perk_give_bottle_end( gun, "specialty_boost" );
player.is_drinking = undefined;
// TODO: race condition?
if ( player maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )

player SetPerk("specialty_boost");

player thread maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_vo(perk);
player setblur( 4, 0.1 );
player setblur(0, 0.1);

player perk_hud_create( perk );

//stat tracking

//player iprintln( "Bought Perk: " + perk );
bbPrint( "zombie_uses: playername %s playerscore %d round %d cost %d name %s x %f y %f z %f type perk",
player.playername, player.score, level.round_number, cost, perk, self.origin );

player thread perk_think( perk );


dist = 128 * 128;
players = get_players();
for( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
if(DistanceSquared( players[i].origin, self.origin ) < dist)
if(!players[i] hasperk(perk) && !(players[i] in_revive_trigger()))
if (IsDefined(level.script) && level.script == "nazi_zombie_theater")
self setinvisibletoplayer(players[i], false);
self setvisibletoplayer(players[i]);
self SetInvisibleToPlayer(players[i]);





perk_hud_create( perk )
if ( !IsDefined( self.perk_hud ) )
self.perk_hud = [];

shader = "cherry_vending_zombies";

hud = create_simple_hud( self );
hud.foreground = true;
hud.sort = 1;
hud.hidewheninmenu = false;
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.alignY = "bottom";
hud.horzAlign = "left";
hud.vertAlign = "bottom";
hud.x = self.perk_hud.size * 30;
hud.y = hud.y - 100;
hud.alpha = 1;
hud SetShader( shader, 24, 24 );

self.perk_hud[ perk ] = hud;


self waittill_any( "fake_death", "death", "player_downed" );

self UnsetPerk("specialty_boost");
self.maxhealth = 100;
self maps\_zombiemode_perks::perk_hud_destroy("specialty_boost");


self DisableOffhandWeapons();
self DisableWeaponCycling();

self AllowLean( false );
self AllowAds( false );
self AllowSprint( false );
self AllowProne( false );
self AllowMelee( false );

wait( 0.05 );

if ( self GetStance() == "prone" )
self SetStance( "crouch" );

gun = self GetCurrentWeapon();
weapon = "";

self GiveWeapon("zombie_perk_bottle_cherry");
self SwitchToWeapon("zombie_perk_bottle_cherry");

return gun;

perk_give_bottle_end( gun, perk )
assert( gun != "zombie_perk_bottle_cherry" );
assert( gun != "syrette" );

self EnableOffhandWeapons();
self EnableWeaponCycling();

self AllowLean( true );
self AllowAds( true );
self AllowSprint( true );
self AllowProne( true );
self AllowMelee( true );
weapon = "";

weapon = "zombie_perk_bottle_cherry";

// TODO: race condition?
if ( self maps\_laststand::player_is_in_laststand() )
self TakeWeapon(weapon);

if ( gun != "none" && gun != "mine_bouncing_betty" )
self SwitchToWeapon( gun );
// try to switch to first primary weapon
primaryWeapons = self GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if( IsDefined( primaryWeapons ) && primaryWeapons.size > 0 )
self SwitchToWeapon( primaryWeapons[0] );

self TakeWeapon(weapon);

tag = "J_SpineUpper";
fx = "tesla_shock";

network_safe_play_fx_on_tag( "tesla_death_fx", 2, level._effect["tesla_shock"], self, tag );
self playsound( "imp_tesla" );

if ( !self enemy_is_dog() )
if( RandomInt( 100 ) < level.zombie_vars["tesla_head_gib_chance"] )
wait( RandomFloat( 0.53, 1.0 ) );
network_safe_play_fx_on_tag( "tesla_death_fx", 2, level._effect["tesla_shock_eyes"], self, "J_Eyeball_LE" );

can someone help me????
10 years ago
hi guys, i've an issue with the electric cherry (bam's addon). the problem is: i buy the perk, the icon appears but when i reload i heard the electric sound, zombie shaking and dies but there isn't any fx played. what's may be wrong? there are only 5 sriptless steps for add that perk and i re-installed it so many times!
10 years ago
hi, i'm doing a little EE in my map. the first step is to shoot to a horse (don't ask me why) for keep a thundergun for free.
so i put a trigger damage wich targetname thun_trigger
thats are all script i put in the zombiemode.gsc
first i declared the first step thread
Code Snippet
thread passo1();
after i used this for keep the trigger signal
Code Snippet
level.tun = 0;
tun_trigger = getEnt("tun_trigger", "targetname");
tun_trigger thread passo1();
that's the final part of the script, but it don't give me the thundergun, i think because it doesn't know wich player give the weapon
Code Snippet
self setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
self waittill("trigger");
level.player giveWeapon( "thunderg" );

self delete();

level.tun = 1;  //this is for unlock the second part of the EE
someone can help me???
10 years ago

italian  version:
Salve convinti! Questa è Terminus, la mappa che ZombieBest e Jambu hanno ideato e che io ho creato. Qui troverete tutte le news disponibili, potrete quindi vedere a che punto sono con la realizzazione del progetto e le eventuali features che avrò intenzione di rivelarvi. Non pensate di poter vedere molti dettagli, rimarrà tutto segreto fino al video del Convinto. Provvederò a rilasciare il download dopo il primo episodio. Spero che la mappa vi convinca e evviva Zombie!
English version:
Hi guys, I'm working on a map for an italian youtuber, ZombieBest! That will be the official map of his channel, so i can't reveal a lot of things. I will post the download link, images and an accurate feature list when Zombie will update the first episode of a gameplay on terminus. you maybe not understand some thing in the EE, but i hope you guys can enjoy my work!
Features revealed:
-obviusly UGX 1.0.3/ovviamente la UGX 1.0.4
-custom song by IlDesa/ canzoni di IlDesa
-custom perks/ nuovi perks
-custom weapons/ nuove armi
-easy EE/ un semplice easter egg
-buyable ending/ finale acquistabile
10 years ago
hi guys, i want to make 3 hidden shootable teddy bears in my map for turning the power on, but searching in the net i couldn't find anything... someone have an idea?
10 years ago
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