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[T4M] Nazi Zombies Remastered (All 4 Stock Maps)

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Created 3 years ago
by John_Banana
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Hey, I apologize about necro'ing, but I wanted to ask regarding about being able to disable the code for the screen shake and point sound effect when boarding windows so that it is similar to classic WaW. Coming from BO1 zombies, the minimal boarding effects of WaW were a breath of fresh air since they always made me dizzy as the group's usual window boarder. I know you mentioned that your work was open source, but I can't find the place to look for being able to turn it off.
Regardless, thank you for your fantastic contribution to the zombies community! Your mod is fantastic and it's a joy even for recent fans of WaW to experience.
Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 06:54:15 am by Moderator (Approval)
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Hey, I apologize about necro'ing, but I wanted to ask regarding about being able to disable the code for the screen shake and point sound effect when boarding windows so that it is similar to classic WaW. Coming from BO1 zombies, the minimal boarding effects of WaW were a breath of fresh air since they always made me dizzy as the group's usual window boarder. I know you mentioned that your work was open source, but I can't find the place to look for being able to turn it off.
Regardless, thank you for your fantastic contribution to the zombies community! Your mod is fantastic and it's a joy even for recent fans of WaW to experience.
No necroing here, this mod is still active. The point sound effect was always in WAW, my mod makes it like BO1 where you only hear it if you are actually earning points, so you actually hear the sound less in my mod than normal WAW if it was annoying you. As for the shake, it is as simple as deleting the "earthquake()' lines in the _zombiemode_blockers scripts in each of the four maps folders. This can be done by opening each remastered .iwd with winrar and finding the file and making sure it is saved/the .iwd is refreshed, don't technically need to recompile anything since I put all my scripts in the .iwds for easy access.
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how can i enable cheats? entering sv_cheats 1 didnt work for me.
Last Edit: June 30, 2024, 05:35:54 pm by Moderator (Approval)
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"devmap mapname" into console while in the main menu to load the map with cheats enabled
for example, "devmap nazi_zombie_factory" for der riese, the other map names end with  _prototype, _asylum, and _sumpf
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I love this project. I tested this on a clean map. Is it possible if you could make a clean-code version of this? For those people who want to use this mod as their main base, just like a script placer, Thank you
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I love this project. I tested this on a clean map. Is it possible if you could make a clean-code version of this? For those people who want to use this mod as their main base, just like a script placer, Thank you
It would be too much work for right now, luckily you can download the mod files off of GitHub and apply whatever you want. Most of the cool stuff in my mod like the aesthetic changes, weapon changes, UI/menu are pretty easy to apply.
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Amazing mod! This has been my go to way to experience these maps ever since I was made aware of this project. I understand this is the final release but there was one feature that I'd love to potentially add in a personal fork, I am kind of a novice when it comes to WaW modding so any guidance would be appreciated. The feature in question would be random characters being picked in co-op play.
Last Edit: July 21, 2024, 10:12:09 am by Moderator (Approval)
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This past year or so I've added some cool stuff, in case you never got a chance to check it out since my last big announcement in 2023:
- Added local Highscore Leaderboard & Stats to all maps
- Added Bayonets to Shi No Numa
- Added Mortars to Nacht Der Untoten
- Added custom Achievements to Nacht Der Untoten & Verruckt
- & more bug fixes
As for random characters in co-op, I have talked about this many times but it requires rewriting a lot of the code as currently voiceover, voiceover interactions, character models, and character hands are all tied to the player index (0,1,2,3) which is determined by the order of players joining a the lobby, with 0 being the host. It is not so simple as just swapping out a variable, you will have to bug test all of these features with a new random numbering system and it's not something I really care to do, because I personally enjoy the way it is now with Dempsey always being the host, it lets you essentially pick your character and just feels classic WAW to me.
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I just tried downloading and the zip file seems to contain only one file; mx_lullaby.wav
Last Edit: August 17, 2024, 05:53:47 pm by gamengain
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I just tried downloading and the zip file seems to contain only one file; mx_lullaby.wav
You have downloaded the wrong file, the download can be found on GitHub, which is linked on the forum post & can be found here: There is no zip for the mod you want to grab the cod5-remastered.rar file, and then installation instructions are here too
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That is the file I'm talking about, "cod5-remastered-mods.rar". It downloads as a 279 MB zip file and then just has one WAV file in it...
Last Edit: August 24, 2024, 09:53:53 am by Moderator (Approval)
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Please help I am dieing to play the OG maps.
My version of WOW isnt through steam its a version I have downloaded online.
At first i couldnt get the maps to show in the MOD section in game, I have managed to get them to show (through various trial and error)
But now when i try to load into the mod maps i get the error need to allocate 7.9mb to load image.
I dont have d3d9.dll in the game folder as whenever I do the game just wont launch.
I am so close to getting them working but no idea what to do here
Last Edit: August 24, 2024, 09:53:59 am by Moderator (Approval)
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That is the file I'm talking about, "cod5-remastered-mods.rar". It downloads as a 279 MB zip file and then just has one WAV file in it...(Image removed from quote.)
Decompress the .rar properly using a free program like Winrar or 7-Zip, Windows does not natively support opening .rar's correctly (until Windows 11, but it is still broken) and in your screenshot you are just trying to open it with Windows file explorer.
Please help I am dieing to play the OG maps.
My version of WOW isnt through steam its a version I have downloaded online.
At first i couldnt get the maps to show in the MOD section in game, I have managed to get them to show (through various trial and error)
But now when i try to load into the mod maps i get the error need to allocate 7.9mb to load image.
I dont have d3d9.dll in the game folder as whenever I do the game just wont launch.
I am so close to getting them working but no idea what to do here
UGX does not support piracy, please use the Steam version. It often goes on sale for just 15 bucks.
The d3d9 file is required to play this mod, and only works on PC so if you are using Linux or Mac you have to do some extra steps to get the d3d9 file to work.
Have you tried using this version?
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Friend, can you make or not make the game in Spanish, that would help me a lot?
Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 08:26:47 pm by Moderator (Approval)
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Friend, can you make or not make the game in Spanish, that would help me a lot?
You can change the language of your game in Steam, in properties settings page, it's already a part of the game.
However, my mod adds new words/text so there will still be some English writing if you play my mod, so you have to download the source code from my GitHub and you can translate my string files (achievement names, etc.) and compile it into a Spanish version of the mod.

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