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[W.I.P/Idea] Zombies Enhanced Mod

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Created 8 years ago
by pvtseacow
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Just normal Zombies with a few tweaks I put into it
For example:

  • Max Ammo/Buying Wall Ammo fills both the clip and the reserve
  • Max Ammo works while down (Needs testing)
  • Double Points multiplies each time you get it while its active (It also resets the 30 sec time, but that was a feature already)
  • Solo Revive is on no matter what (Needs Testing/Might Remove this)
  • No Perk Limit (Might Make it 6 instead)
  • Using a modified version of Rampage's Zombie Counter
  • When buying a perk, the points are deducted when you get the perk
  • When you have Electric Cherry and You don't have Widow's Wine, and a zombie hits you, it does what it would do when you reload
     (Needs Fixing, because rn everytime you get hit, it activates which could cause framerate issues)
  • After round 10, perks will cost 10% more every round til round 20. After 20, it'll stay at double the price.
  • And More to Come...
Because Why Not? Don't get me wrong, I like Treyarch's version.
But why have mod tools and not modify the gameplay?
Also there are some things I find bs and would like to change them.
Plus, its basically all the things that I, being a copy and paste coder atm, can put into a mod

NOTE: I'll have videos up later.
NOTE 2: I may or may not release this. I mostly want opinion on this.
Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 11:35:20 pm by pvtseacow
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If you want scripts / features made for you, then contact me by PM or email / skype etc
it will cost you tho so if you have no intention of reciprocating don't even waste my time ;)
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"Enhanced" == "easy mode"
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Donator ♥ Benevolent Soul who has our eternal gratitude and exclusive access to betas and the donator section of the forum.
"Enhanced" == "easy mode"
I never said it was gonna make zombies hard  :P
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I never said it was gonna make zombies hard  :P
You've got him there.
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not really

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