Well this map feels empty.Well that's because it kinda is.YOu could try improving by adding some stuff around the map and making it a little bit....bigger maybe? Anyway I would say it's good for a first map but since it's your second there is no excuse really. Good try though.....
8 years ago
Bo 12 Perks
BO 12? U wot? Am I left decades back???

8 years ago
Oh well regardless what did he or people thinking of me when i cheated on this map. I only play it for fun
Well I need to find that blue console no matter what it looks too good for me not ...
8 years ago
Oh yeah?
(Image removed from quote.)
Well then.....How the absolute hell did you manage that? (and btw why is your console ...
8 years ago
No need for it, it'd probably glitch out the swords in some way plus you can see most of the weapons in the box
True,but it will probably get me around 7-10 times to get every single gun fro...
8 years ago
I speak for both of us when I say "we don't care why you cheat, we will still try to stop you on any map we make"
Well RIP me from seeing all the weapons in the map. But if I wa...
8 years ago