You can't find lobbies because most ppl don't have open waw ports for public players to see their game. my disc server is & steam acc:
5 years ago
Excellent map, great job with it. Very original and creative with the different area system. We completed it but definitely didn't discover all what the map has to offer, the staffs, chests, gold doors, bench etc.
6 years ago
I think this should be moved to the youtube section
Yeah you're right! I actually didn't realise there was one.
6 years ago
Most challenging WaW custom experience out there in my opinion. Great map!
6 years ago
Looks nice, I'll give it a try 

6 years ago
I soloed Ragnarok v1.2. I have not seen a video or heard of anyone soloing this difficult map before..? So here's the boss defeated for anyone who wants to see. It is a brilliant map, thanks to AwesomePieMan & HexZombies

6 years ago