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Messages - TTheenderr

Don't forget the tutorial maps.
8 years ago
My idea for the discord channel is you can connect via website or a mobile device app. Any thoughts?
8 years ago
WaW itself isnt safe. that's why there's UGX...
Spoiler: click to open...
for bait :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll:
8 years ago
do you know how to Enable the developers console?
8 years ago
T4M can be used on smaller maps. It increases the limits. Here's the link to the thread:,8092.0.html
8 years ago
Did you install T4M?
8 years ago
It might be what IperBreach said. Atleast im learning stuff aswell.
8 years ago
No not really, thought you might know. I never mapped on WaW to be honest.
8 years ago
Can you show the code for the player score?
8 years ago
I would give Zombies in Spaceland a 9/10. The reason why is the EE in coop is very difficult from what a saw. 4 player coop = 4 alien bosses. other than that, its suprising. even the PhD Flopper added in there ( Bomb Stoppers). now to the multiplayer. 4/10. Horrible matchmaking, for me (lost 16 games and only won 4). its too difficult for me to get over 3 kills. ( now before you flame me, i can easily get up to the double digits on BO3 and AW.) and campaign, 7/10. Unrealistic sounds while in space (hearing explosions in deep space isnt possible. To be able to hear sound is moist air (hydrogen and oxygen). Welp, even though i got the R3KT variant of R3K, multiplayer is still hard. seems everybody knows where you are at. seems they are wall hacking. thats my opinion.
8 years ago
This looks sick. cant wait to play this!
8 years ago
"- Wunderwaffe glitch with Jugg happens."

Freaking Der Reise Wunderwaffe. i would go for SNN Wunderwaffe
9 years ago
Browsing Scratch randomly:
9 years ago
115 is spreading. never a coincidence.

Double Post Merge: May 13, 2016, 06:01:05 pm

Go figure, I am also part of this 115 curse, let's do this. -_-

9 years ago
I've beaten your first Stair map by buying that perk then activating the end game. I also have 3 PaP'd weapons and all of the perks. i think i beaten it on round 24. i really cant wait to complete this new one.
9 years ago
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