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Messages - TTheenderr

This look's good to start off a series. I'm going to try it when I have time. Can't wait!
9 years ago
Thanks, guys! I hope I can be helpful around the community (if I can). lel.
9 years ago
Hey guys, I love playing FPS, RPG, Action games on Xbox and PC. This is going to be a list of things about me.

My favorite games on Xbox: Gears of War, Dead Island, Call of Duty, and more.
My favorite games on PC: Team Fortress 2, CoD WaW, Gmod, Toribash, and more.
My Favorite Mobile games: Boom Beach, Clash Royale, Darkness Reborn.

Other sites I use:

Youtube: TTheenderr does stuff
Twitter: @ttheenderr
Steam: TTheenderr
Toribash: joshjoshua
Xbox: Cuppy000
Boom Beach: TTheenderr
Clach Royale: TTheenderr
Official TF2 Wiki: TTheenderr ( Website doesn't work on my chromebook anymore)
That's it. ( May be more)

If there is anything more you want to know about me, feel free to ask. I may/may not answer them, depending how personal they are to me. Thanks  ;)
9 years ago
Every time i use mediafire, it doesn't download anything. I mean, nothing works on it for me. I don't understand why because most custom maps on UGX and ZM uses mediafire. Zombie Desert uses mediafire, I can't get it to download at all. Everything else works for me though. Mega or ZM's downloads (by clicking a box and it downloads on the forum). Can someone help me with mediafire?
9 years ago
Lol, trying to fix a compile issue where I could not compile the map, think I may have cracked it with Harry's help. Apart from that, the map is ready for release, I have a special date in mind :)

Welp, If you want to, you can message me you released it. :3 But you don't have to. I wonder what the special date is... April 1st? lol.
9 years ago
I've seen videos of this and I loved the details and the jokes ( The BO1 Double Tap on the bottom of the stairs near Speed Cola) you've added. The map looks million times better than the original Bus Depot. The soul chests look challenging at the locations you added them. The Nacht Det Untoten looks amazing. It looks like the original but with a few changes that goes with the EEs and the End game. The Bus Depot ( Spawn ) looks very well done at details. I also liked that part with the broken down Tranzit Bus. The FX looks awesome. Keep up the good work! I can't wait for it to be released.  :rainbow:
9 years ago
Can you add Dive-to-prone so you have more use for the Phd Flopper?
9 years ago
This will be the FIRST custom map I'll download. I've seen videos of it and had fun just watching. Keep up the good work!

Would also be cool if there was exo suits though it will have little uses of it like, countering verruckt zombies, avoiding being trapped, etc. Though Nicely Done!
9 years ago
On BO1, I open the box the 2nd time, got the ray gun. When I opened it up the 5th time, I got the Thundergun. 2 Wonder Weapons on the same run.

On BO2, I got the raygun on round 2.
9 years ago
I think BO3's campaign is better that AW.

First things first, both games had a limb/limbs dismembered of of your body. AW doesn't make sense and pretty much just bad karma. BO3 does makes sense and you lost limbs because your character didn't make it to the chopper in time and the robots ripped you apart. The boost jump and abilities are different depending on what game situation it is. BO3, you can customize your cyber-abilities to whatever fits you and you can still use a boost jump. BO3 has a boost meter so you know how much boost you have whilst AW doesn't have.

On AW, you can't run on walls, have extended oxygen while you are underwater.

The boost on BO3, you have more agility and control on your jumps.

I think the Campaign on BO3 is more intense. When I complete an objective, I have the urge to do more. The story is really well done and I really like the ending of it.

Thanks for taking the time reading this post.
9 years ago
lol you realise "where" you asked right?

safe bet 9 / 10 answers will be BO3  :D

Sure why not? I think BO3 is better than Fallout 4.
9 years ago
I really enjoyed a zombie map without morgwas, parasites, and R.A.P.S. It is easier than Shadows of Evil in my POV. It's fun and unique. Just wish I'm good enough to actually do the EE.
9 years ago
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