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Messages - TTheenderr

Poor Harry :(
8 years ago
Let me guess, you'd vote no.
8 years ago
I know there are PS4 players here... :/ I thought...
8 years ago
I know Zombies in Spaceland was easy, open spaces, and relaxed. I've saw CoD's video about this first IW DLC and the Rave in the Redwoods has tighter spaces, darker lighting, and saw that you start out with no starting weapons, and you have to chose a melee weapon. I made this poll just to see this community's opinion... PS4 owners!

P.S. I have no PS4, just XBOX One :(
8 years ago
Sadly, that is true. :( Even after the bugs got fixed on the chat...
8 years ago
Why do YOU Specifically go around thinking you are better than me? Please stop telling me what to do or I am going to report you.
8 years ago
you wanna bet. go in the chat now. you got 50 minutes. and i bet there will be at least 1 person in it. plus, discord is stupid when it comes to a school owned chromebook.
8 years ago
One day remaining. It's a tie.
8 years ago
Glad to have you back and making more maps. I wish you best of luck on them. Welcome to the community!
8 years ago
Dogs dont spawn from the ground like zombies do...
8 years ago
Recently I find the bugs, and Lukkie fixes it. its looking good right now, you can see how it improved. but its still inactive XD.
8 years ago
I just thought to make a poll for this. Most of you know that chat isn't as active as it used to be.
8 years ago
Recently, Lukkie and I fixed a few minor bugs in the chat relating to inactivity and messages notifications from self during certain statuses. I'll try to find a feature that might get some attention and maybe will be added.
8 years ago
Hopefully the UGX Chat will gain more activity this year. It may not. But it will be cool if it becomes active like 2-3 years ago.
8 years ago
I'll try the map when i get some time. Looks great!
8 years ago
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