dose this box include new weapons and etc just trying to find out please and thank you
8 years ago
Someone please help me its been a good while seance ive used the ugx 1.1 standalone mod how do i change the perk limit?
8 years ago
hey getting bad syntax error main()
8 years ago
Please someone help me, i fixed this problem yesterday and i was in such a dang rush i forgot how i fixed it, tried putting something into my map and it didnt work so i deleted my map and replaced it with the back up before i fixed my problem
now i cant figure it out here is the console log for m...

8 years ago
Hey, i have got everything working good i just need to know how to use the wall weapon prefab?
Double Post Merge: January 30, 2016, 08:40:13 pm
I take that back I read up on it and found out how to do it, can I get a weapons list please???
Double Post Merge: January 30, 2016, 08:40:13 pm
I take that back I read up on it and found out how to do it, can I get a weapons list please???
9 years ago
Can someone please help me???, I have tried and tried to get the ugx standalone v1.1 mod and i get everything set up through the auto installer and i just get a black screen after it starts to load the video dose not complete or nothing.
9 years ago