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Messages - Joeycx

i like the style, it's new atleast. Treyarch maps are now too much now.
8 years ago
I'm liking what I'm seeing, keep up the good work. :D

wow, what a honor :) Thank you

8 years ago
Sorry for lack of updates, new things coming up.. so here's a teaser

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* i couldn't find the lantern model, so i made one lol
8 years ago
Was it a DLC map? If so might be tough to get, I had trouble finding the DLC Christmas models from COD4 for the contest way back, had to contact some random guy who didn't even mod anymore from some random website via email and he luckily enough sent them to me. Sparky shared them later on publicly though. Not sure how you can get COD4 DLC models apart from Ninja Ripper or something like that.

Thanks for the reply, i didn't know that lol,  i tried finding the model with some model extracter thing that list xmodels in a map and it wasn't listed anywhere. I'll keep looking thoo..
8 years ago
Is there the Chinese sky lantern model in cod4 models? I tried searching everywhere, but no luck, i can only find the iwi's and nothing more. If anyone has any findings, please tell me :)

8 years ago
wow i didn't know there was that many maps created in that time frame. Nice job richgaming, very spicy
8 years ago
it looks good :)
8 years ago
"1. The lighting.
     It's not the best, but it makes it good. I made the roof as dark as possible so the zombies only had eyes up there. The PaP is barely visible and having basically invisible zombies chasing you looks awesome."

edit: it's just really black, and like 1 room
8 years ago

Double Post Merge: June 06, 2016, 03:42:23 am

The map looks really good, and the portaling as well, i still have to figure that out lol
8 years ago
You're doing a great job, I'm definitely getting that gritty, run-down, defend yourself feel off the map. :)

Thank you :) I'm trying my best to capture everything, and put everything into aspect.
8 years ago
seems VERY dark but if thats the theme your going for nice job it looks good especially this picture prop since you can see more:
(Image removed from quote.)

Yes thank you, i like my maps like i like my coffee, dark
8 years ago
Quick Update:

I've kinda planned mapped out most of my areas, and now it's full blown making structures and completing areas, making other simple things like pack-a-punch variants, to ensure it's error free. It might take a while before i update more major photos, cause i tend to polish up areas, for weeks lol. Well i made a comparison collage to keep track of Psychopath's areas, so i can ensure that it's the same feel. But for now i leave you with a few comparison pictures :)

8 years ago
Even if it's your first release, remember to present it well :),1173.0.html
8 years ago
Little more progress, it's finally summer, so expect more coming.

8 years ago
Hit man is correct. Your weapon files viewhands need to match mine. Go into my IWD and open a weapon file with ugx weapons editor and copy and paste my viewhands into your weapon files viewhands

alrighty, ill do that

Double Post Merge: May 26, 2016, 11:07:55 am
thanks nate and hitman, i nearly was going to go full on sleuthing mode, if i didn't get these guns to work :)
8 years ago
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