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Messages - GdayitsVishnu

well , I don't have ppsh so that solves that . UNLESS?

Double Post Merge: March 02, 2015, 12:33:56 am
makecents is going to do that but not sure he knows how to.

9 years ago
Haha i could definatly do that with .Gifs  :P

not for $9.99 i hope  :poker:
9 years ago
I, would honestly buy that, if they released a camo pack of the different developers in camoflages, such as the David Vahnderhaar Camo, which would be animated to flow between the different faces of vahnderhaar. Then they would release the Michael Condrey and Mark Rubin Camos  :D

lols, a flowing vonderrhaar camo? serious.
9 years ago
im lovin' it
9 years ago
Davy always said:

(Image removed from quote.)

For $9.99 you can get a limited edition david vonderhaar camo for BO2!
9 years ago
Vonderhaar doesn't approve the wait, Vonderrhaar doesn't have the patience.
9 years ago
...and your not the only one this mod is for

learn some patience, your geting it free after all

considering how much everyone moaned about the bugs in requiem, I really laugh when I see this...

I have never complained about bugs in maps don't yell at me  :alone:
9 years ago
WEll you would complain if he released it with the bug so...  :troll:

Yeah but nah mate, i don't complain about bugs like some people  :please:
9 years ago
Spot on! How is ur guessing so good?! XD

Forgot to add in some George Romero in there  :P
9 years ago
As Tank Dempsey once said, 'Patience is a virtue which i do...not...HAVE!!!!!'

Well quoted
9 years ago
Hows it going Stevie? updates?
9 years ago
That would just delay the map even more.  Be patient, we are fixing one last major bug.  And then probably fixing some other stuff that comes up in testing.

patience is thin my friend.
9 years ago
soo, its been about 23 days since your last check-in, any updates?
9 years ago
I love the feeling of reaching a high round and knowing that you're being an absolute beast ^.^ i hope this map is challenging though because too many custom maps these days are just too easy  :gusta: can't wait for thisss :DD  :nyan: :rainbow:

agreed! lets hope their boss is somewhat challenging aswell, but not a napalm zombie like 'the swan' those things just piss me off.
9 years ago
can i just ask is this maps easter egg going to be fulfilling like a bo1/bo2 map? i love a not hard, but challenging easter egg too be honest :)
9 years ago
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