nice map, do you ever plan on updating it again?
No, sorry.
8 years ago
How Is the main menu song called? I remember hearing it but i dont remember the name
It's called "Assuming control" it is played in buried when you complete the end game for maxi...
8 years ago
(Content removed from quote.)
Nice work chroma!
8 years ago
build the shield in the bunker, get the baby gun, crouch in the corner of the shield work station, fire every once in a while.
works because the shield get rehanged just by standing near it, your facing a ...
8 years ago
(Image removed from quote.)
and look forward to a better next map
Wtf is that supposed to mean?
8 years ago
I solved it.
So as it only happened when I was standing on that bridge in that gif,
I thought there would be something wrong with specificly that. The problem was that I had copied and pasted another layer of that ...
So as it only happened when I was standing on that bridge in that gif,
I thought there would be something wrong with specificly that. The problem was that I had copied and pasted another layer of that ...
8 years ago