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Topics - Dorian

I made a grenade weapon but when it explodes the zombies just fall. I need them to die with the anihilator death fx EVERYTIME If someone could make a script for that that would be splendid! The grenade weapon is called scavanger_explosion_zm just in case someone needs the name. The FX I mean is fx_hero_annihilatr_death_blood and is located under share>raw>fx>weapon. Also if this problem is solvable without script I appologize for being stupid lol
7 years ago
I haven't seen a tutorial on this topic on youtube but im sure some talented user of ugx has figured it out I would really appreciate it.
8 years ago
Im having huge difficulties with setting up my sound alias correctly. The sounds are not sounding as good as I want them to. Also I can't seem to figure out how to play the rampup sound before the explosion there is no option for some kind of "fuse sound" in the weaponfile. I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it if someone could share a good sound alias for explosions and also help me with figuring out how to get the rampup sound to play before the explosion.  :-[ :-[
8 years ago
So I ported the origins pap camo while the 115 portion of the gun looks great the metal part is way too zoomed in and it looks ugly how could I zoom out/make it smaller ?
8 years ago
So the thing is im really tired of the blue mystery box so I I'd like to have the mystery box from revelations is there any way I can establish my goal ?
8 years ago
I searched on youtube asked other modders on twitter and looked at the kuda .bulletfile I wasn't able to figure it out on myself tho so I would really appreciate it if someone on here could help me  :'(

Here's a picture of what I mean:

8 years ago
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