Could anyone help me out on how to get the green and purple liquids? I figured out the red and blue but i cant seem to figure out the green or purple. The only progress i seemed to make on either was that there is a purple stone of element 115 in the labs by the power, but i didnt find anything else...
8 years ago
Spoiler: click to open...It's easy, you have to interact with the posters in the right order around the map (I suggest making a list for different games cause they are randomised in different games, then above jugg you will fi...[close]
8 years ago
Anyone mind helping me find the power? Played this map for more than 6 hours and still cant find it. Im blind af.
first you have to find the wardens key, which spawns in the same places as it did in...
8 years ago
This map is amazing. One of the best maps I've ever played. The only problem that I have with this map is the spiders at pack a punch. They are way to powerful and have way too much health
8 years ago