Hello everyone today I release to you MW2's Quarry zombies. Before we go any further I'd like to give special thanks to Stendby for originally making the quarry map for CoD4 multiplayer. Without his efforts this would not have happened at all. I only converted what he made to World at War and implemented zombies. Make sure to give him thanks. This is my 2nd zombies map, 287 being my first. Enjoy! THIS MAP REQUIRES T4M: DOWNLOAD T4M HERE BEFORE YOU LAUNCH THE MAP:Make sure you configure your weapon bob sway setting in the UGX Mod options from the settings option at the main menu.
Turn Specular Maps Off to get rid of the shiny textures.
Now let's get on to features:
This map features UGX Mod v1.1! For a full list of features, click here. - UGX Mod 1.1
- Trap Machines
- Elemental Pack a Punch
- Kino-style Teleporters
- Buyable Ending
- Secret Room Easter Egg (shoot the 4 hidden teddy bears)
- Music Box with 8 Songs
- CoD 4 Textures + More
CHANGES IN 1.1:- [font]Improved clipping (should have a lot less glitch spots)[/font]
- Removed CoD4 specular map textures
- Fixed some terrain that had gaps in it
- Fixed some buy triggers to be easier to hit
- Adjusted some of the wall weapons height
- 2 new textures added to the map
Please DM me on Discord of any bugs / glitches you may come across.
SPECIAL THANKS:- Stendby - For his mapping and original files making this entire project possible
- NGCaudle - For his tips and pointers and helping with mapping
- Tom_Bmx - For his music box and buyable ending scripts
- Aidan - For his kino-style teleporters
- isaacscott935 - For his easter egg scripts
- UGX Mod Team - For UGX Mod 1.1 and all it's features
- FatRoosterTim - Gameplay testing
- SnipingPig - Gameplay testing