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compile error

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Created 9 years ago
by nickst98
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So i have been absent for a long time from this site and cod, but ive been slowly working on a new map over the past few months. I recently moved w@w to a new ssd but my mods (like downloaded maps) are still in their old place on my main drive. I think ive successfully compiled since I changed it over, but i could be wrong. does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

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So i have been absent for a long time from this site and cod, but ive been slowly working on a new map over the past few months. I recently moved w@w to a new ssd but my mods (like downloaded maps) are still in their old place on my main drive. I think ive successfully compiled since I changed it over, but i could be wrong. does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

(Image removed from quote.)

The files are set to read-only because 3arc  be dumb you can delete them from your actual mods folder in root then you'll be fine
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nickst98's Groups
Donator ♥ Benevolent Soul who has our eternal gratitude and exclusive access to betas and the donator section of the forum.
Community Mapper Has released one or more maps to the UGX-Mods community which have been added to the UGX Map Manager.
The files are set to read-only because 3arc  be dumb you can delete them from your actual mods folder in root then you'll be fine

so i fixed that now got this error

Linker summary:

There were 0 warnings and 1 error.

Arguments passed to linker:
  -nopause -language english -moddir nazi_zombie_tutorial nazi_zombie_tutorial

Double Post Merge: July 26, 2016, 07:46:44 am
Nevermind, i fixed it. Thanks!
Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 07:46:44 am by nickst98

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