Check new post! I was cooking up this map for a pretty good while now, and took a long break since life got in the way. I've been constantly EAGER to finish this map so I just recently decided to come back and finish it.
The map should be done within a couple days or sooner, and I'll be releasing the full trailer on YouTube and posting the map here on UGX.
This is just a small Teaser, there is a LOT in this map.
TheBackroomsEnhanced: Call of Duty World at War Custom Zombies - Teaser This map has a TON of features:
All 13 WORKING perks,
Double pap (removed)
Custom effects for a TON of stuff
An in game Leveling/Ranking system that saves between games (for replayability;) )
A custom boss, maybe even more
TONSSSS of custom textures all imported by me
A LOT of lore accurate "levels", and perfectly replicated backroom areas to explore
And MUCH more that I wont say yet!
Stay tuned! (Second Teaser coming soon) All other modders will be credited in the full release. THIS is how a Backrooms map should be made.