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[Spoiler] S05E08 "Coda"

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Created 10 years ago
by Dust
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R.I.P Beth

So in this episode we got to see the mid season finale which was called Coda, this was also the end of the hospital storyline.

This episode picks up right after the last one ended, Officer Lamson is running away after knocking out Sasha, and Rick is chasing him down with a cop car. Rick tries to get Lamson to stop but when he realizes it is not going to work, Rick runs him over with the car. When Rick gets out, Bob Lamson is trying to get Rick to let him live, but Rick shoots him instead. I love Ricks line when he says "You can't go back Bob", a quote that Gareth told Bob as the hunters were eating his leg.

I hated Dawn ever since we met her in Slabtown, but in this episode I kind of felt sorry for her. She was really opening up to Beth, and she was beginning to trust Beth. When they were talking in the hallway with the elevator shaft, Beth kept telling her that no one is coming and this is the end, "This is who you are, until the end". Dawn told Beth that she is the one who saved her after Beth killed Gormon in Slabtown. "Your a cop killer" Dawn tells Beth. Officer O'donnell overhears, and tells Dawn that she needs to tell the rest of the group, before he does. They begin to fight and we learn that Dawn killed her mentor because she wanted to be in control. When O'Donnell was about to kill Dawn, Beth was able to push him off the edge, thus killing him. So she saved Dawns life

Back at the church, we see that Gabriel has brought a dozen walkers to the church, he is begging Carl and Michonne to let him in, when they do, they go out the hole that Gabriel made to escape last episode. They lock the doors from the outside, but the walkers soon break it down. Just in time, for Abraham and his group to ram the church with the fire truck, and killing all the walkers. When Glen asks where everyone is, Michonne tells Maggie that Beth is alive, and at Grady Memorial. Maggie seems happy about it, which is weird considering she hasn't cared about her sister ever since she was kidnapped. Tara then says "lets go get your sister", so now they are on their way to Grady Memorial.

Rick stops a police car, and tells him that his name is Rick Grimes and he is here to make a proposal. Rick and his group, a long with the 2 officers, go into the hospital together to set up the meet. They then see Beth, Carol, and the rest of the hospital staff, including Dawn all there.

The exchange happens pretty fast, and it seems like things are going to go smoothly, till Dawn asks for Noah. When Rick refuses to give Dawn Noah, Noah says that it is okay, he is just glad everyone is safe. When Beth goes to hug him, Dawn said "I told you they always come back", a quote that Dawn told Beth previous in the episode. Beth says "I get it now", and she stabs Dawn in the shoulder with a pair of scissors she got right before coming out into the hallway. Dawn reacts quickly and shoots Beth in the head, thus killing her instantly. Dawn looks at Ricks group startled and mouths something which I believe it said "I didn't mean to", Daryl pulls out her gun and shoots Dawn in the head, and kills her instantly as well.

When they make it outside the hospital, Daryl has a deceased Beth in his arms, Abrahams group had just made it to the hospital, and Maggie sees Daryl come out with Beth and starts crying. And then the episode ends.

So over all, this was a pretty good mid season finale, and the end to the hospital story line. I am excited to see where the group goes next, seeing as nothing is in Washington for them, the church is pretty much destroyed, I doubt they would want to live in the hospital, knowing what happened there.

Discuss the episode here! I will see you guys February, 8th 2015, for the return episode of The Walking Dead.

Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 07:14:23 pm by thezombiekilla6
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They shouldn't of killed beth like that, if i want anyone to go, i want it to be CARL! + they ended on another fucking cliffhanger!
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They shouldn't of killed beth like that, if i want anyone to go, i want it to be CARL! + they ended on another fucking cliffhanger!

I know, Beth was beginning to have a lot of character development then they kill her off like that.
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That wasn't the actual end of the episode. There was another 5 minute sequence after the credits rolled ;)

Really enjoyed this episode, seeing Daryl crying with Beth in his arms almost brought tears to my eyes.
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That wasn't the actual end of the episode. There was another 5 minute sequence after the credits rolled ;)
REALLY?! oh fuck! finding that!

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