zombies will spawn in the start zone but they will not spawn in any other zone i did want tut told me to and the video about zoning here my myname.gsc
#include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\_utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_utility; #include maps\_zombiemode_zone_manager; #include maps\_music; #include maps\dlc3_code; #include maps\dlc3_teleporter; main() { level.DLC3 = spawnStruct(); // Leave This Line Or Else It Breaks Everything // Must Change These To Your Maps level.DLC3.createArt = maps\createart\zombieland_art::main; level.DLC3.createFX = maps\createfx\zombieland_fx::main; level.DLC3.myFX = ::preCacheMyFX; /*-------------------- FX ----------------------*/ DLC3_FX(); /*-------------------- LEVEL VARIABLES ----------------------*/ // Variable Containing Helpful Text For Modders -- Don't Remove level.modderHelpText = []; // // Change Or Tweak All Of These LEVEL.DLC3 Variables Below For Your Level If You Wish // // Edit The Value In Mod.STR For Your Level Introscreen Place level.DLC3.introString = "zombieland"; // Weapons. Pointer function automatically loads weapons used in Der Riese. level.DLC3.weapons = maps\dlc3_code::include_weapons; // Power Ups. Pointer function automatically loads power ups used in Der Riese. level.DLC3.powerUps = maps\dlc3_code::include_powerups; // Adjusts how much melee damage a player with the perk will do, needs only be set once. Stock is 1000. level.DLC3.perk_altMeleeDamage = 1000; // Adjusts barrier search override. Stock is 400. level.DLC3.barrierSearchOverride = 400; // Adjusts power up drop max per round. Stock is 3. level.DLC3.powerUpDropMax = 3; // _loadout Variables level.DLC3.useCoopHeroes = true; // Bridge Feature level.DLC3.useBridge = false; // Hell Hounds level.DLC3.useHellHounds = true; // Mixed Rounds level.DLC3.useMixedRounds = true; // Magic Boxes -- The Script_Noteworthy Value Names On Purchase Trigger In Radiant boxArray = []; boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "start_chest"; boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest1"; boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest2"; boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest3"; boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest4"; boxArray[ boxArray.size ] = "chest5"; level.DLC3.PandoraBoxes = boxArray; // Initial Zone(s) -- Zone(s) You Want Activated At Map Start zones = []; zones[ zones.size ] = "start_zone"; level.DLC3.initialZones = zones; // Electricity Switch -- If False Map Will Start With Power On level.DLC3.useElectricSwitch = true; // Electric Traps level.DLC3.useElectricTraps = false; // _zombiemode_weapons Variables level.DLC3.usePandoraBoxLight = true; level.DLC3.useChestPulls = true; level.DLC3.useChestMoves = true; level.DLC3.useWeaponSpawn = true; level.DLC3.useGiveWeapon = true; // _zombiemode_spawner Varibles level.DLC3.riserZombiesGoToDoorsFirst = true; level.DLC3.riserZombiesInActiveZonesOnly = true; level.DLC3.assureNodes = true; // _zombiemode_perks Variables level.DLC3.perksNeedPowerOn = true; // _zombiemode_devgui Variables level.DLC3.powerSwitch = true; // Snow Feature level.DLC3.useSnow = false; /*-------------------- FUNCTION CALLS - PRE _Load ----------------------*/ level thread DLC3_threadCalls(); /*-------------------- ZOMBIE MODE ----------------------*/ [[level.DLC3.weapons]](); [[level.DLC3.powerUps]](); maps\_zombiemode::main(); /*-------------------- FUNCTION CALLS - POST _Load ----------------------*/ level.zone_manager_init_func = ::dlc3_zone_init; level thread DLC3_threadCalls2(); } dlc3_zone_init() { /* ============= ///ScriptDocBegin "Name: add_adjacent_zone( <zone_1>, <zone_2>, <flag>, <one_way> )" "Summary: Sets up adjacent zones." "MandatoryArg: <zone_1>: Name of first Info_Volume" "MandatoryArg: <zone_2>: Name of second Info_Volume" "MandatoryArg: <flag>: Flag to be set to initiate zones" "OptionalArg: <one_way>: Make <zone_1> adjacent to <zone_2>. Defaults to false." "Example: add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east" );" ///ScriptDocEnd ============= */ // Outside East Door //add_adjacent_zone( "receiver_zone", "outside_east_zone", "enter_outside_east" ); add_adjacent_zone( "start_zone", "zone1", "enter_zone1" ); add_adjacent_zone( "zone1", "zone2", "enter_zone2" ); add_adjacent_zone( "zone2", "zone3", "enter_zone3" ); add_adjacent_zone( "zone3", "zone4", "enter_zone4" ); add_adjacent_zone( "zone4", "zone5", "enter_zone5" ); add_adjacent_zone( "zone5", "zone6", "enter_zone6" ); add_adjacent_zone( "zone6", "zone7", "enter_zone7" ); add_adjacent_zone( "zone7", "start_zone", "enter_start_zone" ); } preCacheMyFX() { // LEVEL SPECIFIC - FEEL FREE TO REMOVE/EDIT // level._effect["snow_thick"] = LoadFx ( "env/weather/fx_snow_blizzard_intense"
i gave my door trigger with kvp of the zone i was entering
all so i am not get the power ups at all in my map and i have a trigger with right kvp as well
can any one help?