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Messages - lpsssmdlj

My HDD is on its way out and each day of using my laptop brings louder clicking and buzzing noises along with decreased performance and increased loading times whilst gaming. An SDD would be exactly what I need and it would be a great improvement over what I've had in the past. Gaming with it would be an entirely different experience and maybe I could play some DayZ without constant lag, or any game for that matter  :D
10 years ago
Stupid me... I was editing the wrong _loadout.gsc I had to comment and uncomment the viewhand lines in the one in the ugx_guns.iwd

Thanks for the help guys  :lol:
11 years ago
That may be my problem, trying it now.


I tried adding it to the csv and I still have the same viewmodel in game. Here's my mod.csv
I don't know if I added the models correctly.

Code Snippet
// Zombie Mode Stuff
// Zombie Mode Strings
// Mod Strings
// Edited Loadout For Zombie Heroes
// Edited LastStand For Deep Water Like Sumpf
// Edited For Developer_Script
// Updated Menu File For Pause Screen Map
11 years ago
I bought Arma II and got DayZ a few months ago only to find that I have no one to play with  :alone: so any time you guys want to play then just let me know  :D

skype: lpsssmdlj
Steam: AfterTheFall
DayZ name: lpsssmdlj
11 years ago
Here's the tutorial I followed and it worked perfectly. Let me know if you have any problems and Ill do my best to help you :)

11 years ago
The viewhands are set in _loadout.gsc. Just look for "zombiemode".

- Phil.

Thanks for responding.

I've edited the viewmodel lines under the zombiemode section in the _loadout.gsc but after building the mods and using the project mover to move the files, the new hands still don't show up in game. Its as if I've never changed them.

I'm a noob when it comes to scripting and changing stuff in the gsc and csv files. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing at times so I really appreciate the help :)

Here's my _loadout.gsc

Code Snippet
#include maps\_utility;

// MikeD (7/30/2007): New method of precaching/giving weapons.
// Set the level variables.
if( !IsDefined( level.player_loadout ) )
level.player_loadout = [];

// With the player joining later now we need to precache all weapons for the level

players = get_players();
for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
players[i] give_loadout();
players[i].pers["class"] = "closequarters";
level.loadoutComplete = true;
level notify("loadout complete");

// these precaches should only happen per level and campaign

if (level.campaign == "russian")
if (level.script == "ber2")
else if (level.script == "sniper")
// nothing!
else if (level.campaign == "american")
if (level.script == "pel1")
else if (level.script == "pel1a" || level.script == "pel2")
else if (level.script == "oki2")
else if( level.script == "mak")
else if ( level.script == "pby_fly")
else if( level.script == "nazi_zombie_sumpf" || level.script == "nazi_zombie_asylum" || level.script == "nazi_zombie_factory" || level.script == "zombie_test_map" )



add_weapon( "zombie_colt" );
PrecacheItem( "napalmblob" );
PrecacheItem( "napalmbloblight" );
set_switch_weapon( "zombie_colt" );

set_laststand_pistol( "zombie_colt" );

set_player_viewmodel( "viewmodel_rus_guard_padded_arms");
set_player_interactive_hands( "viewmodel_rus_guard_padded_arms");

level.campaign = "american";

// This will precache and set the loadout rather than duplicating work.
add_weapon( weapon_name )
PrecacheItem( weapon_name );
level.player_loadout[level.player_loadout.size] = weapon_name;

// This sets the secondary offhand type when the player spawns in
set_secondary_offhand( weapon_name )
level.player_secondaryoffhand = weapon_name;

// This sets the the switchtoweapon when the player spawns in
set_switch_weapon( weapon_name )
level.player_switchweapon = weapon_name;

// This sets the the action slot for when the player spawns in
set_action_slot( num, option1, option2 )

if( num < 2 || num > 4)
if(level.script != "pby_fly")  // GLocke 11/15/2007 - The flying level uses all 4 dpad slots
// Not using 1, since it's defaulted to grenade launcher.
assertmsg( "_loadout.gsc: set_action_slot must be set with a number greater than 1 and less than 5" );

// Glocke 12/03/07 - added precaching of weapon type for action slot
if(option1 == "weapon")
level.player_loadout[level.player_loadout.size] = option2;

if( !IsDefined( level.player_actionslots ) )
level.player_actionslots = [];

action_slot = SpawnStruct();
action_slot.num = num;
action_slot.option1 = option1;

if( IsDefined( option2 ) )
action_slot.option2 = option2;

level.player_actionslots[level.player_actionslots.size] = action_slot;

// Sets the player's viewmodel
set_player_viewmodel( viewmodel )
PrecacheModel( viewmodel );
level.player_viewmodel = viewmodel;

// Sets the player's handmodel used for "interactive" hands and banzai attacks
set_player_interactive_hands( model )
level.player_interactive_hands = model;
PrecacheModel( level.player_interactive_hands );

// Sets the player's laststand pistol
set_laststand_pistol( weapon )
level.laststandpistol = weapon;

if( !IsDefined( game["gaveweapons"] ) )
game["gaveweapons"] = 0;

if( !IsDefined( game["expectedlevel"] ) )
game["expectedlevel"] = "";

if( game["expectedlevel"] != level.script )
game["gaveweapons"] = 0;

if( game["gaveweapons"] == 0 )
game["gaveweapons"] = 1;

// MikeD (4/18/2008): In order to be able to throw a grenade back, the player first needs to at
// least have a grenade in his inventory before doing so. So let's try to find out and give it to him
// then take it away.
gave_grenade = false;

// First check to see if we are giving him a grenade, if so, skip this process.
for( i = 0; i < level.player_loadout.size; i++ )
if( WeaponType( level.player_loadout[i] ) == "grenade" )
gave_grenade = true;

// If we do not have a grenade then try to automatically assign one
// If we can't automatically do this, then the scripter needs to do by hand in the level
if( !gave_grenade )
if( IsDefined( level.player_grenade ) )
grenade = level.player_grenade;
self GiveWeapon( grenade );
self SetWeaponAmmoStock( grenade, 0 );
gave_grenade = true;

if( !gave_grenade )
// Get all of the AI and assign any grenade to the player
ai = GetAiArray( "allies" );

if( IsDefined( ai ) )
for( i = 0; i < ai.size; i++ )
if( IsDefined( ai[i].grenadeWeapon ) )
grenade = ai[i].grenadeWeapon;
self GiveWeapon( grenade );
self SetWeaponAmmoStock( grenade, 0 );

println( "^3LOADOUT ISSUE: Unable to give a grenade, the player need to be given a grenade and then take it away in order for the player to throw back grenades, but not have any grenades in his inventory." );

for( i = 0; i < level.player_loadout.size; i++ )
self GiveWeapon( level.player_loadout[i] );

self SetActionSlot( 1, "" );
self SetActionSlot( 2, "" );
self SetActionSlot( 3, "altMode" ); // toggles between attached grenade launcher
self SetActionSlot( 4, "" );

if( IsDefined( level.player_actionslots ) )
for( i = 0; i < level.player_actionslots.size; i++ )
num = level.player_actionslots[i].num;
option1 = level.player_actionslots[i].option1;

if( IsDefined( level.player_actionslots[i].option2 ) )
option2 = level.player_actionslots[i].option2;
self SetActionSlot( num, option1, option2 );
self SetActionSlot( num, option1 );

if( IsDefined( level.player_switchweapon ) )
// the wait was added to fix a revive issue with the host
// for some reson the SwitchToWeapon message gets lost
// this can be removed if that is ever resolved
if ( isdefined(wait_for_switch_weapon) && wait_for_switch_weapon == true )
self SwitchToWeapon( level.player_switchweapon );


self player_flag_set("loadout_given");

give_model( class )
// switch ( level.campaign )
// {
// case "russian":
// self mptype\player_rus_guard::main();
// break;
// case "american":
// default:
// self mptype\player_usa_marine::main();
// break;

if (level.campaign == "russian")
if (level.script == "ber2")
self mptype\player_rus_guard_wet::main();
else if (level.script == "sniper")
// nothing!
self mptype\player_rus_guard::main();
else if (level.campaign == "american")
if (level.script == "pel1")
self mptype\player_usa_marine::main();
else if (level.script == "pel1a" || level.script == "pel2")
self mptype\player_usa_marine::main();
else if (level.script == "oki2")
self mptype\player_usa_marine_wet::main();
else if (level.script == "mak")
self mptype\player_usa_raider::main();
else if ( level.script == "pby_fly")
else if( level.script == "nazi_zombie_sumpf" || level.script == "nazi_zombie_asylum" || level.script == "nazi_zombie_factory" || level.script == "zombie_test_map" )

switch( self.entity_num)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:

self mptype\player_usa_marine::main();
self mptype\player_usa_marine::main();

// }

// MikeD (3/28/2008): If specified, give the player his hands
if( IsDefined( level.player_viewmodel ) )
self SetViewModel( level.player_viewmodel );

// SavePlayerWeaponStatePersistent
// Saves the player's weapons and ammo state persistently( in the game variable )
// so that it can be restored in a different map.
// You can use strings for the slot:
// SavePlayerWeaponStatePersistent( "russianCampaign" );
// Or you can just use numbers:
// SavePlayerWeaponStatePersistent( 0 );
// SavePlayerWeaponStatePersistent( 1 ); etc.
// In a different map, you can restore using RestorePlayerWeaponStatePersistent( slot );
// Make sure that you always persist the data between map changes.

SavePlayerWeaponStatePersistent( slot )
current = level.player getCurrentWeapon();
if ( ( !isdefined( current ) ) || ( current == "none" ) )
assertmsg( "Player's current weapon is 'none' or undefined. Make sure 'disableWeapons()' has not been called on the player when trying to save weapon states." );
game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "current" ] = current;

offhand = level.player getcurrentoffhand();
game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "offhand" ] = offhand;

game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "list" ] = [];
weapList = level.player GetWeaponsList();
for ( weapIdx = 0; weapIdx < weapList.size; weapIdx++ )
game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "list" ][ weapIdx ][ "name" ] = weapList[ weapIdx ];

// below is only used if we want to NOT give max ammo
// game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "list" ][ weapIdx ][ "clip" ] = level.player GetWeaponAmmoClip( weapList[ weapIdx ] );
// game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "list" ][ weapIdx ][ "stock" ] = level.player GetWeaponAmmoStock( weapList[ weapIdx ] );

RestorePlayerWeaponStatePersistent( slot )
if ( !isDefined( game[ "weaponstates" ] ) )
return false;
if ( !isDefined( game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ] ) )
return false;

level.player takeallweapons();

for ( weapIdx = 0; weapIdx < game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "list" ].size; weapIdx++ )
weapName = game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "list" ][ weapIdx ][ "name" ];

if ( isdefined( level.legit_weapons ) )
// weapon doesn't exist in this level
if ( !isdefined( level.legit_weapons[ weapName ] ) )

// don't carry over C4 or claymores
if ( weapName == "c4" )
if ( weapName == "claymore" )
level.player GiveWeapon( weapName );
level.player GiveMaxAmmo( weapName );

// below is only used if we want to NOT give max ammo
// level.player SetWeaponAmmoClip( weapName, game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "list" ][ weapIdx ][ "clip" ] );
// level.player SetWeaponAmmoStock( weapName, game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "list" ][ weapIdx ][ "stock" ] );

if ( isdefined( level.legit_weapons ) )
weapname = game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "offhand" ];
if ( isdefined( level.legit_weapons[ weapName ] ) )
level.player switchtooffhand( weapname );

weapname = game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "current" ];
if ( isdefined( level.legit_weapons[ weapName ] ) )
level.player SwitchToWeapon( weapname );
level.player switchtooffhand( game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "offhand" ] );
level.player SwitchToWeapon( game[ "weaponstates" ][ slot ][ "current" ] );

return true;
11 years ago
I've been searching all over the internet for a few days and I haven't been able to find a decent tutorial on how to change your character's viewhands in game. I've searched both this site and zombiemodding but still haven't found anything. Most of the topics I find are about people having a problem with this but then they simply post: "I fixed it" and then close the topic with no explanation on how they did it. I'm using the UGX Mod for my zombies map and I want to change the default marine hand to a model that has gloves on it or something similar to that. If anyone could help me out with the scripting and whatnot then that would be awesome.  :)
11 years ago
Are you compiling your map's _patch.ff file? I used to get this error before compiling my mapname_patch.ff, but after doing that the error was fixed and I could play normally.

I'll try that right now, thanks for the input :)

Just wanted to say that I have the mod working perfectly on my map now. Thank you so much for releasing this. Its awesome!
11 years ago
I've been so excited to implement this into a new map but I seem to keep getting the same error.

Code Snippet
 Server script compile error
Could not find script 'animscripts/dog_init'
[See console for details]

I've followed the tutorial videos very closely, (multiple times might I add), yet I still keep getting this same error.

Here is a Youtube video I recorded to show the error happening:

I will attach my console.log file so if anyone wants to take a look at it then they can. I'm not sure if it's a problem with my game files or if its a silly mistake on my part but I've read the FAQ's, searched around, and attempted creating about 5 maps following the tutorial videos and I don't know what else to try. Hopefully one of you can help me :) I can't wait to start mapping once this is working.

The name of the map is "ugx_test2"[/s]

---[EDIT]---  Turns out that it wasn't a problem with the UGX mod but a problem with my game files. After a clean install of World At War, I tried to create a map normally without the mod and I still got the same error. Time for some problem solving :p
11 years ago
I stumbled across this site tonight and it's exactly what I've been looking for. I recently started creating maps for WAW and I will definitely be using this amazing UGX mod in my maps! I'm pretty pumped.  :gusta:
11 years ago
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