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Messages - Commie34

I few weeks ago I commented on one of your videos asking if zombie models from different maps were going to be implemented like in baseball field 2, and I think you said yes. Is this still going to be implemented? Also, I know this is probably a bit much to ask for, but just for the record, can you add one weapon from ghosts now that it is out (I'm not even sure if that can be done, so I by no means expect the answer to be a yes, I was just wondering)?
11 years ago
Can you replace the PP19 Bizon with MW3's PP90M1 to make it look more polished/modern like you did with the XM8? It would look pretty cool.
11 years ago
Just saying, this map looks really cool, and if you can put in the perks that you put in with baseball field 2, then this maps would be one of the best (electric cherry was the best)! I hope that you can release at least a beta of the map because of how cool it looks.
11 years ago
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