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Messages - Haaagaibmsirirla

This beats banana colada, great job! :) 
7 years ago
...ignoring the fact that this was released two years ago. The latest mod for BO1 is called "Mindshare," I highly suggest you check it out


Oops sorry, I didn't know, I only saw the recent comments.

But I'm looking forward for perish :)
7 years ago
This mod is pretty cool, I was looking for something new for BO1.

I'm glad there's still things being released for bo1.
7 years ago
I really like the openness of the map, great job :)
7 years ago
Ughhh this map is sooo good.
7 years ago
barking doggos lol
7 years ago
I love the big boss thingy, and the map looks really sci fy.
7 years ago
Like a dreamy realm? That's a very forward idea, i hope you upload more images so we can see more!
7 years ago
Take ur time hitman, perfection is better then rushing.
7 years ago
So glad this got released! Great job as always :)
7 years ago
looks really good so far :)
7 years ago
The limit for weapons are 128 right? So give or take, you could only add 5 guns before running into that limit, right?
7 years ago
Do you mind sending the correct KVPs? I may have missed something. thanks.
post a picture of your kvp's so people can help you
7 years ago
Youll need some sort of photo editor, preferably paint.NET (Not MS Paint).

You'll also need two converters, IWI to DDS, DDS to IWI. - You can get this program here:

When you have those two programs, go to Root > Main > IW_09 and search for zombie_eye.iwi. This should be near the top of the folder but if it isn't, keep looking. Right click on that, COPY (do not drag) and PASTE to your desktop. Drag that IWI file onto Tom's IWI to DDS program. DRAG IT OVER THE PROGRAM DON'T OPEN IT. once you do that another file will appear on your dekstop, but this time it will have a picture on it. Take that picture file (leave the original IWI) and drag it onto the paint.NET program (or open it) and edit it to your liking. It should be a yellow or orange square, I can't remember. I just used the paint bucket tool to use blue :P

After editing, press the save button, and drag the image onto the DDS to IWI converter now. This will spit out the same file you edited but instead it will make it an IWI again :). Take this to root > mods > mapname > images and paste.

Tick it in the Mod Builder and build mod! Run game and your eyes should be whatever color you changed it to :) If you somehow get lost here, just ask and I'll try to explain it a bit better :)

Thanks for the tutorial!
7 years ago
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