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Messages - knnetic

Well actually the place where Deadshot is, thats where there would be a debris going into the outside part, so it wouldnt be too difficult spot, but definetly could put Mule kick there!

Im not really sure what files you need. Do I just copy the map in the mod folder and upload that or do I have to get all the assets etc?
8 years ago
Yeah the tank is very random there haha. Would it be possible if I uploaded the map to like Mega or something and then you could open it? There is a pretty big part of the map thats not in the video and it should be easy to find.

I had the idea of a like a field with farmland, a road going through it with cars and military vehicles blocking it so it wouldnt be a huge running area.

Also I tried to make like the ground go up a little and have water where its like down, so kind of like puddles. Its kinda hard to explain for me but I hope you understand what I mean
8 years ago
Heres a video of the map

I have made an area where the outside part would go. Its not on the video though
8 years ago
Its at night and kind of a dark forest ish place. There arent really any other outside areas so it would basically be up to you
8 years ago
So I dont know if this is the right forum place to put this in but I was hoping to find someone who would like to help me with an outside area in the first map im woking on. Im very new to mapping but interiors are easy to make look detailed, but a big outside area is very difficult for me.

So I thought Id ask here, if someone would like to help or collab or whatever the term is on the map to make it look really good and polished  :)
8 years ago
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