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Messages - ItzTylerB123

What is the song when you get all three laptops?
sorry for not posting i totally forgot.
here is the song
9 years ago
What is the song when you get all three laptops?
i will get you the name later. at college atm
9 years ago
didnt "keep" saying it did he bro? Said it once, calm down, It was a valid question, just his assumption incorrect, no need to get angry
i wasnt referring to just the topic where he said it. He has said multiple times in other places.
9 years ago
Devmap hghrise
but with the anticheat from script placer z i think it doesn't allow many things
10 years ago
there is solo quich revive, it just doesn't work right  :(
not sure why its not working. Quick rev8ve was added from the script place sorry if its not working not sure what to suggest. Worked fine for me
10 years ago
bruh, press F to link to mainframe
:poker: chroma is right and i am going to be fixing some stiff this weekend and possibly add in the upgraded weapons that i hav3 missed out. Also edit some weapons that have low damage.
10 years ago
I get you want it to be hard and I know I'm new to this forum but I'm just a lurker and have tried a lot of maps here. I want to start getting active but it would be nice if a gun was added to the starter room because I die before I can gather enough points and I run out of ammo quick.
look on the walls there are weapons

Double Post Merge: April 18, 2015, 09:38:06 pm
YAY now released :)

EDIT: Dogs doesnt work :(
i removed dogs.
10 years ago
is this made from the highrise prefab from cfg?
no its not a prefab i made it from scratch. Marsvinking starting to get annoyed with you if you keep saying its a prefab.
i got mikey to help with some parts for the map if it was already done i wouldnt of needed any of it.

Double Post Merge: April 18, 2015, 07:47:31 pm

It looks like that smasher i've downloaded it to and its exact the same grids and layouts.

But Tyler did a good job with the details though
the caulk brushes are the prefab which i just downloaded to compare and as you can see its completely different in size
i have line it up with the left side
10 years ago
in before "remove verrukt runners from start pls"
wanted to make it hard my bad :(
10 years ago
Due to college and work I've not got much time to fully finish my map with an easter egg
but I thought I'd release it anyways. Based off the MW2 Highrise. any bugs found please report and ill try and get it fixed and re-uploaded.

AOKMikey - making parts of the map that i struggled with
radimax - help with radiant
Wincat - death barrier code
DidUknowiPwn - helping with death barrier
bwc6693 - weapons + general help + zone help
hardpoint_taken - ladder climb up prefab
shippuden1592 - Die rise skin packs
rorke - bo1 non upgraded weapons and player bob
RAYxZOMBIE - Weapon glow
Elfenlied (Apex) - Sound alias files + bo1 reticles files
BluntStuffy - soul chest release
Ege115 - Music EE
DodgeMe - beta testing
Eithan - beta testing and some ideas
Rollonmath42 - ae4 weapon
Anyone missing please comment below

some weapons are abit buggy but most are fine. Didnt get round to upgrading ae4, thundergun or scavenger- sorry.
if you see some red parts of map and don't like it just disable spec maps.

here are some pictures

Mediafire Download.

i hope to make more maps when i am fully employed and finished college. that way anytime i am not working i will not be revising and doing coursework :)  [/font]
10 years ago
cool map keep updating it. add more areas :)
10 years ago
problem is now fixed. it was either bad path node location of it was because the floor brush was a script brush model :/ not sure though but its all work fine now
10 years ago
i'm not sure why the zombie floated up there isnt a clip surrounding the area here is a link i of image
10 years ago
my problem is that when i am on the higher platform in the zone zombies will be fine but when i am on the lower platform zombies are not attracted to player like they should be. here is the picture of the zone

it covers floor area so not sure why it isnt working. all kvps are correct spawner names and so on.
here is a vid i tried to show what it does.
10 years ago
need to add this to credits.

Bwc66930: for doing nothing
10 years ago
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