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Messages - lmg60

The multiplayer does not work? I can not play with my friends
7 years ago
I have already made a basic script but there are things that do not go and I'm looking for someone who could make it functional

The script and the steps are at the top of the page
7 years ago
someone can help me ?
7 years ago
If you can make me the script its would be really cool

Here are all the steps of easter egg :

Step 1 :
Retrieve 3 objects, do the ritual (Just place the parts in one place), make disappear the door that will give access to the new area (the church).

Step 2 :
It will be necessary to recover the part of the body of the man to rest them at his tomb to recover
His letter which will serve the next secret.

Step 3 :
Deposit the letter at a certain place, following its a message will appear on the screen, activate the 5 electric base
(I want to do a system of chests of souls but I do not find a tuto that works),
Once the 5 pedestals activate a message appears to say that the current is restored, a certain door is destroyed, get into the plane.


If you have a tutorial link to make the souls chests its would be cool
7 years ago
Code Snippet
#include common_scripts\utility; 
#include maps\_utility;
#include maps\_zombiemode_utility;

//ses 2 lignes sont pour les sons ( si les codes sont bon mdr )

//MEMO : voir pour afficher les objets a l'écran et un compteur a l'écran pour les 5 socles lorsque que l'on en active un( exemple : 1/5 )
//mettre des sons lorsque les portes disparaissent, au rituel,a la tombe,a la radio, au 5 socles electrique,le courant retablie et a la fusée.
//voir pour que les objets  a récuperer soit a des endroits différents quand on lance la game.
//au autres memo est tout en bas du script ( pour la fin de la partie )

//Se script est pour le secret entier de la map, il y a 3 secrets pour la terminer.

//les secrets ne peuvent se faire que dans l'ordre.
//On ne peut pas faire le 2ème secret si le 1er secret n'est pas fait.
//On ne peut pas faire le 3ème secret si le 1er et le 2ème secret ne sont pas fait et ainsi de suite.

main() // Pour l'appeler dans nazi_zombie_petitemap3.gsc : thread maps/myscriptsecret::main();
level.objet_found = 0;
//Les objets du 1er secret
//RESUMER : récupérer 3 objet,faire le rituel,faire disparaitre la porte qui donnera acces a la nouvelle zone ( l'eglise ).
thread Objet1();//le 1er objet a récupérer ( un livre)
thread Objet2();//le 2ème objet a récupérer ( du sang )
thread Objet3();//le 3ème objet a récupérer ( une petite boule )
thread Objet4();//L'emplacent du rituel
thread Objet5();//La porte qui disparait

//Les objets du 2éme secret
//RESUMER : il faudra récuperer les partie du corps de l'homme pour les reposer a sa tombe pour récuperer
//sa lettre qui servira au prochain secret.
thread Objet6();//le 1er objet a récupérer ( la jambe )
thread Objet7();//le 2ème objet a récupérer ( la tete )
thread Objet8();//le 3ème objet a récupérer ( le reste du corp )
thread Objet9();//l'objet qui servira a faire le 3ème secret ( la lettre )

//Les objets du 3ème secret
//RESUMER : Deposer l'objet9 ( la lettre ) à la radio qui se trouve dans ( le batiment au RDC ou il y a le courant dans la vrai version de ascension)
//suite a sa un message aparaitra disant qu'on a obtenu le code pour ouvrir la porte ( celle dans la descente a gauche pour aller vers le PAP dans la vrai map ascension )
//dans la vrai version de ascension puis activer les 5 socle electrique ( voir si je peut faie le systeme des coffres d'âmes qui une fois remplit
//affiheront un message pour dire que le socles est activer )
//( se seront les socles des tp de kino je pense ) se qui permet d'activer la fusée
//Une fois les 5 socles activer( un message disant que le courant est rétablie) et il faudra monter dans la fusée pour fuir la map
//et la, la partie se termine
thread Objet10();//La radio
thread Objet11();//La porte ( elle disparait ) qui se trouve dans la pente ( dit plus haut dans le resumer )
thread Objet12();//Le socle electrique 1
thread Objet13();//Le socle electrique 2
thread Objet14();//Le socle electrique 3
thread Objet15();//Le socle electrique 4
thread Objet16();//Le socle electrique 5
thread Objet17();//La fusée

//Le 1er secret
// Le 1er objet ( le livre )
Objet1 = getEnt("objet1", "targetname");
Objet1_trig = getEnt("objet1_trig", "targetname");
Objet1_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet1_trig delete();
Objet1 delete();
if (level.objet_found == 0)
iprintlnbold("1 objet de trouve!");
level.objet_found = 1;
if (level.objet_found == 1)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.object_found = 2;
if (level.objet_found == 2)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.objet_found = 3;
wait 0.1;
//le 2ème objet ( le sang )
Objet2 = getEnt("objet2", "targetname");
Objet2_trig = getEnt("objet2_trig", "targetname");
Objet2_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet2_trig delete();
Objet2 delete();
if (level.objet_found == 0)
iprintlnbold("1 objet de trouve!");
level.objet_found = 1;
if (level.objet_found == 1)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.objet_found = 2;
if (level.objet_found == 2)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.objet_found = 3;
wait 0.1;
//le 3ème objet ( la petite boule )
Objet3 = getEnt("objet3", "targetname");
Objet3_trig = getEnt("objet3_trig", "targetname");
Objet3_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet3_trig delete();
Objet3 delete();
if (level.objet_found == 0)
iprintlnbold("1 objet de trouve!");
level.objet_found = 1;
if (level.objet_found == 1)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.objet_found = 2;
if (level.objet_found == 2)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.objet_found = 3;
wait 0.1;
//le 4ème objet ( l'objet ou on fait le rituel )
Objet4 = getEnt("objet4", "targetname");
Objet4_trig = getEnt("objet4_trig", "targetname");
Objet4_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet4_trig delete();
if (level.objet_found == 0)
iprintlnbold("Trouve la solution");
level.objet_found = 1;
if (level.objet_found == 1)
iprintlnbold("Tu y est presque");
level.objet_found = 2;
if (level.objet_found == 2)
iprintlnbold("Encore un effort");
level.objet_found = 3;
if (level.objet_found == 3)
iprintlnbold("Un bruit etrange a retenti !");
//la musique du rituel
PlaySound(("testson1.wav"),NULL, SND_SYNC);
// fin de la musique
level.objet_found = 4;
wait 0.1;
//le rituel viens d'etre fait
//le 5ème objet ( la porte de l'eglise qui disparait )
if (level.objet_found == 4)
Objet5 = getEnt("objet5", "targetname");
Objet5 delete();
if (level.objet_found == 0)
wait 0.1;

//Fin du 1er secret


//Le 2ème secret
//1er objet ( la jambe )
Objet6 = getEnt("objet6", "targetname");
Objet6_trig = getEnt("objet6_trig", "targetname");
Objet6_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet6_trig delete();
Objet6 delete();
if (level.objet_found == 0)
iprintlnbold("1 objet de trouve!");
level.objet_found = 1;
if (level.objet_found == 1)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.object_found = 2;
if (level.objet_found == 2)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.objet_found = 3;
wait 0.1;

//Le 2ème objet ( la tete )
Objet7 = getEnt("objet7", "targetname");
Objet7_trig = getEnt("objet7_trig", "targetname");
Objet7_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet7_trig delete();
Objet7 delete();
if (level.objet_found == 0)
iprintlnbold("1 objet de trouve!");
level.objet_found = 1;
if (level.objet_found == 1)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.object_found = 2;
if (level.objet_found == 2)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.objet_found = 3;
wait 0.1;

//Le 3ème objet ( le reste du corp )
Objet8 = getEnt("objet8", "targetname");
Objet8_trig = getEnt("objet8_trig", "targetname");
Objet8_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet8_trig delete();
Objet8 delete();
if (level.objet_found == 0)
iprintlnbold("1 objet de trouve!");
level.objet_found = 1;
if (level.objet_found == 1)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.object_found = 2;
if (level.objet_found == 2)
iprintlnbold("Encore un autre objet!");
level.objet_found = 3;
wait 0.1;

//le 4ème objet ( la lettre que l'on récupere)
Objet9 = getEnt("objet9", "targetname");
Objet9_trig = getEnt("objet9_trig", "targetname");
Objet9_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet9_trig delete();
if (level.objet_found == 3)
iprintlnbold("Vous avez la lettre de l'homme mort");
level.objet_found = 1;
wait 0.1;
//Fin du 1er secret


//Le 3ème secret
//Le 1er objet ( la radio )
Objet10 = getEnt("objet10", "targetname");
Objet10_trig = getEnt("objet10_trig", "targetname");
Objet10_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet10_trig delete();
if (level.objet_found == 1)
iprintlnbold("Voici le code de la porte 8741");
//la musique de la radio
PlaySound(("testson1.wav"),NULL, SND_SYNC);
// fin de la musique de la radio
level.objet_found = 0;
wait 0.1;

//la radio est terminer
//le 2ème objet ( la porte qui disparait )
if (level.objet_found == 0)
Objet11 = getEnt("objet11", "targetname");
Objet11 delete();
wait 0.1;

//Le 2ème objet ( le socle electrique 1 )
Objet12 = getEnt("objet12", "targetname");
Objet12_trig = getEnt("objet12_trig", "targetname");
Objet12_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet12_trig delete();
if (level.objet_found == 0)
iprintlnbold("Initialisation 1/5");
//son du socle
PlaySound(("testson1.wav"),NULL, SND_SYNC);
//Fin du son
level.objet_found = 1;
wait 0.1;

//Le 3ème objet ( le socle electrique 2 )
Objet13 = getEnt("objet13", "targetname");
Objet13_trig = getEnt("objet13_trig", "targetname");
Objet13_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet13_trig delete();
if (level.objet_found == 1)
iprintlnbold("Initialisation 2/5");
//son du socle
PlaySound(("testson1.wav"),NULL, SND_SYNC);
//Fin du son
level.objet_found = 2;
wait 0.1;

//Le 4ème objet ( le socle electrique 3 )
Objet14 = getEnt("objet14", "targetname");
Objet14_trig = getEnt("objet14_trig", "targetname");
Objet14_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet14_trig delete();
if (level.objet_found == 2)
iprintlnbold("Initialisation 3/5");
//son du socle
PlaySound(("testson1.wav"),NULL, SND_SYNC);
//Fin du son
level.objet_found = 3;
wait 0.1;
//Le 5ème objet ( le socle electrique 4 )
Objet15 = getEnt("objet15", "targetname");
Objet15_trig = getEnt("objet15_trig", "targetname");
Objet15_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet15_trig delete();
if (level.objet_found == 3)
iprintlnbold("Initialisation 4/5");
//son du socle
PlaySound(("testson1.wav"),NULL, SND_SYNC);
//Fin du son
level.objet_found = 4;
wait 0.1;
//Le 6ème objet ( le socle electrique 5 )
Objet16 = getEnt("objet16", "targetname");
Objet16_trig = getEnt("objet16_trig", "targetname");
Objet16_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet16_trig delete();
if (level.objet_found == 4)
iprintlnbold("Courant activer");
//son du courant qui s'active
PlaySound(("testson1.wav"),NULL, SND_SYNC);
//Fin du son
level.objet_found = 5;
wait 0.1;
//Le 7ème objet ( la fusée )
Objet17 = getEnt("objet17", "targetname");
Objet17_trig = getEnt("objet17_trig", "targetname");
Objet17_trig waittill("trigger");
Objet17_trig delete();
if (level.objet_found == 5)
iprintlnbold("Préparez vous au décollage");
//son de la fusée qui décolle
PlaySound(("testson1.wav"),NULL, SND_SYNC);
//Fin du son
wait 0.1;
// Fin de la partie

// MEMO : faire le code pour lancer la fin de partie ( décollage de la fusée et cam final)
7 years ago
I have all the weapons of cod4, mw3 and bo1
Can you try what I want to do as on the link of the video you share but with the model 1887 and see if you have the price of the weapon and the purchase text + ammunition in play?
The model1887 you find it on ugx in the pack of mw3

And if you test tien me aware and of course if you succeed I want you to send me screenshot of t lines of codes

After the one that you tells me I do it because I put full of weapon on a map of test but when I them but on a wall like on the video that you to share to me I is not of message And the price is a 0 that is problem the one that I absolutely want to regulate
7 years ago
Hello, could you help me a week that I try but I can not get there
I followed tuto to put the model1887 of mw3 on my map

but when I am in game my weapon is a 0 and I did not have message for the purchase of the weapon or ammunition

My weapon is named model1887 in my folder weapon

Could you give me the exact lines of code to get the right price and the message to buy the weapon and ammunition

I have tried many things but nothing to do despite tutos

I put the files of my weapon in the raw folder and also in my folder maps / name of my map and also check the files during the compilation
7 years ago
I is not the mod.csv files it is for his other way that I am not his amon weapon in full play but I think the solution is simple based on the mod.csv of the other weapon We can find the solution.
If you find tell me

Double Post Merge: November 17, 2016, 12:23:38 am
Did you manage to do what I want to do? If yes can you do it with the model1887 of mw3 and make me screenshots of all the lines of codes of each file?
7 years ago
Hi everybody,
following a problem of message and price when buying a weapon custom example; Cod4, bo1 (no message and price a 0).

I recover this part of script to create a case of ammunition:

Open yourmap.gsc (raw\maps) and put this in the main() function:

Code Snippet
level.give_ammo = 0;
ammo_trigs = getentarray("give_ammo","targetname");

Then, create a new function:

Code Snippet
      who = undefined;
      cost  = 1500;

      string = "Press &&1 to buy ammo [Cost: " + cost + "]";

      self sethintstring( string );
      self SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" );
      self UseTriggerRequireLookAt();
      self waittill( "trigger", who );

      weapon = who GetCurrentWeapon();
      ammocount = who getammocount(weapon);
      clipcount = who getweaponammoclip(weapon);
      maxammo = weaponmaxammo(weapon);

      //if( weapon == "tesla_gun" || weapon == "ray_gun" )
      //   who iprintln( "You cannot buy ammo for this weapon" );
      //   level.give_ammo = 0;

      if( maxammo <= ammocount - clipcount )

      if ( weapon != "fraggrenade" && weapon!= "stielhandgranate" && weapon != "molotov" && weapon != "mine_bouncing_betty" && weapon != "mortar_round" && weapon != "satchel_charge_new")
         if( who.score > cost )
            level.give_ammo = 1;
            level.give_ammo = 0;

      if( level.give_ammo > 0 )
         who givemaxammo( who GetCurrentWeapon() );
         who maps\_zombiemode_score::minus_to_player_score( cost );
         who playsound( "cha_ching" );
         who playsound( "no_cha_ching" );

I noticed that I can only buy ammunition either when the weapon and empty or when to use ammunition and reload.

I know not in script is that someone could modify me to make sure that one can buy ammunition when one wants?

And once it's done you can make me a copy of it's script so I have a second one but only for ammo weapon improve

I would like to have a crate for normal ammunition and another for ammo weapons improve

I thank you in advance

For the display message in game of the purchase of the weapon and the price I will see later
7 years ago
I have not found it on cfg factory here the package it includes asm1, bal-27, kn44, m8a1, m16a4, mp11, razorback and svu-as

If you happen to have the sound of the razorback in play keep me informed

Double Post Merge: November 16, 2016, 01:47:17 am

Well I followed the tutorial is I managed to have the gun on the mu by cons I am still no text to display the screen and the weapon is always a 0.
I try the line of code you give me I have no message and I try it:

Code Snippet
Add_zombie_weapon ( "model1887", "Press and Hold && 1 To Buy model1887", & "ZOMBIE_WEAPON_model1887_1000", 1000, "vox_shotgun", 6);

But still no message.
I would like to succeed in having the message that tells me pay so much to buy the weapon and also for ammunition

I am French I speak not at all English the tuto I am in video but otherwise I do not understand what he says in his video
7 years ago
Thank you I will test the razorback you will find it on the site cfg factory in download then cod waw then custo weapons.par cons I can not get a sound in the game for the razorback but for all other souls I have the Sons.can be from a se that it is a bo3 weapon

Double Post Merge: November 15, 2016, 10:01:01 pm
I just tried what you told me to do, I still have no message and the weapon is always a 0 in price.
I want to remember that it is a cod4 weapon to add is not a weapon of waw.
I followed a tutorial to put a custom weapon on the wall with chalk.
7 years ago
look my script

7 years ago
Yes I did everything well though Can you make a video of se tuto?
7 years ago
yes I finally find the link but I did everything as said in the tutorial but I have no mortar_strike in the crate weapon
7 years ago
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