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Messages - Nelonn

The thing is when you export gun fire sounds they miss this random "metal-clanking" effect, but i do not know how to setup them in the way they supposed to mean.

I got the files, they locate at mw3\.FF Files\weapons\mechanism (thanks to master131 for mw3 .ff files)
So the question is how to correctly apply these metal gun sound effects in APE ?
7 years ago
Well hopefully we will be able to change hud completly in the future...
7 years ago
Is there any way to change HUD ? I would like to have good ol' WAW display, with points counter and ammo counter.
7 years ago
Thanks for that. I have found some mr6 examples, but still I don't know how to apply this material to a custom gun.

Edit: Alright, that was hard for a guy that almost doesn't know a thing about APE, but i managed to do it.
If someone is interested, you have to change your gun's material type to lit_emessive, then add emessive map, edit it by erasing everything expect sights, add some color and tada...
7 years ago
Does anyone knows how to add a custom glowing iron sight to a ported weapon, like made of tritium.
What do I need to do in APE ?  ???
7 years ago
Thanks for the help and diamond text script, i really liked it. By the way your minecraft castle map was really impressive, hopefully you will create something minecraft themed once more :)
7 years ago
By putting "on_player_spawned(); " under main function, you mean putting it under function main() ?
I tried doing this, i got insta-killed by nothing.

Placing asound lines under function main() or on_player_spawned()  causes this error - Compiler Internal Error :  Uninitialized local variable 'asound'

But the most funny thing is that my code used to work on my old computer, just after the spawn, the sound played correctly. And i have to tell you that I copied the welcoming screen script from someone i don't remember. But a have concerns about this line
Code Snippet
callback::on_spawned( &on_player_spawned );
Here is the .gsc file fragment if it interests you
Code Snippet
function main()

callback::on_spawned( &on_player_spawned );

//Setup the levels Zombie Zone Volumes
level.zones = [];
level.zone_manager_init_func =&usermap_test_zone_init;
init_zones[0] = "start_zone";
level thread zm_zonemgr::manage_zones( init_zones );
level thread add_zm_vox();
level.pathdist_type = PATHDIST_ORIGINAL;

function usermap_test_zone_init()
level flag::init( "always_on" );
level flag::set( "always_on" );

function custom_add_weapons()
zm_weapons::load_weapon_spec_from_table("gamedata/weapons/zm/zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv", 1);
function on_player_spawned()
        level.playSoundLocation PlaySound("welcoming_sound");
self.diamond_text = NewClientHudElem( self );
self.diamond_text.alignX = "center";
self.diamond_text.alignY = "middle";
self.diamond_text.horzAlign = "center";
self.diamond_text.vertAlign = "middle";
self.diamond_text.foreground = true;
self.diamond_text.font = "bold";
self.diamond_text.fontScale = 2;
self.diamond_text.color = ( 0.5, 1, 0.5 );
self.diamond_text SetText("Survive at all costs...");
self.diamond_text setCOD7DecodeFX(100, 10000, 500);
self.diamond_text Destroy();
7 years ago
Hahah guys, all i wanted is to get a simple line of code, which i don't know how to correctly apply. I don't really have any time to learn all these c an js laungages just to get sound working, but thanks for tips anyway.
7 years ago
Thank you for helping me again, let's see what i can do.
7 years ago
Thanks a lot for reply, but could you explain the "Var player Get players" line ? And should i change anyting in For() ?
7 years ago
Try to rebuild your light. My thought is that you possibly had some deleted object on top of your plane earlier and you forgot to rebuild the light.
7 years ago
Hello everyone, so the idea is to play a sound in the start or middle of the black screen (just when it begins to fade)
What i tried is this script below, but it doesn't work for some reason. And I don't have line under function main()
Need help !

function on_player_spawned()
level.playSoundLocation PlaySound("welcoming_sound");

7 years ago
Does anyone know how to get rid of errors such these ? Console is just spamming errors every second.

Can't find xanim 'o_zombie_base_packapunch_worldgun_taken' in gdtDB
Can't find xanim 'o_zombie_base_packapunch_worldgun_dw_taken' in gdtDB
Can't find xmodel 'fx_cube_createfx' in gdtDB
8 years ago
Props to steam

Mod Tools Update:

Users can now add tags to their workshop items in the Publish section of the Launcher.
8 years ago

All i did is :
Step 1 : Open your user_aliases.csv
Step 2 : Edit line with the name of your sound file in given example
Step 3 : Save user_aliases.csv
For me default sound location is sound_assets\zombies

Example : mus_roundend1_intro,,,zombies\your_sound_file.wav,,,UIN_MOD,,,,,BUS_MUSIC,,,,,,100,100,,,,,,,,2,oldest,,,1,1,,,,,,2d,,,NONLOOPING,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

zombies is your folder in sound_assets, your_sound_file.wav is your file (don't forget to rename it)

"mus_roundend1_intro" stands for round end sound,
"mus_roundstart_first_intro" this will play while entering in map.
"mus_roundstart1_intro"  will play when round starts  (not first round)
"mus_dogend1_intro" and "mus_dogstart1_intro" is self-explanatory.

Or you can just watch this tutorial made by wakka :
i tried to explain lol
8 years ago
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