Respect man Very good map, just one question....where da fak are those mannequins??
Going crazy with this crawler...
Spoiler: click to open...
Ok i found them all, every mannequin is visible and shootable with a sniper rifle exept one that i found a bit frustrating to find (IMHO) but the map is really funny it's 8/10 to me. Good job!! 8)
Spoiler: click to open...
I'm glad that you like the map I think you are the first that solved the main easter egg; I'm impressed (Yeah i placed the mannequins like a douchebag ) I'm thinking about to make one more map but that's unclear. I will do my best at the next map if i'm doing one more.
Very good map ! Thanks for doing maps like that, there are some unbelievable good maps. Can anyone help me on PM please ? I need to play with both my friend and I in LanFix please
Good to hear that you enjoy my map! I try to keep making more maps but for now i need a little break
If it doesn't automatically go to the right point, it's 2 hours 22 minutes, and 45 seconds in.
The mother of all errors in WaW: Gspawn error I think i putted to much features like the lunar landers and some other things that consuming entity slots. In solo the map works fine but in coop there are less free entity slots. I think that it was too much at the time you teleport in the cave. I think i cant fix that so easy so play careful in coop and dont use too much like turrets because they eating lots of entity slots. If you play this map again here is a little hint for the manquin ee. Some of them are outside the map in buildings and hard to see. I recommend throwing grenades in the buildings And the couldn't find dlc 3 teleporter error is normal. Try to start the map again and it should go
The Ultimis Crew are discovering a hidden Facility from Group 935.
Will they stay alive and escape the Zombie-infested Facility?
Find it out!
Ugx Mod Standalone 1.1
Lunar Landers from Ascension
Kino- and Moonstyle Teleporter
3 Hidden Song Easter Eggs
Fan Blade Trap
Easter Egg: Shoot Mannequins to unlock the Endgame Teleporter (Cost:60.000) I don`t spoil how many Mannequins there are in the map.
HUGE Thanks to Izartax! He helped me with the main EE. Without him i wouldn`t have it!
Special Thanks to Scobalula: Fixed 3rd and 4th player can`t join issue and fixed the invisible Start Button (no annoying weapon bob switching everytime)
Moon Style Teleporter: Toby1423 & ADDICTED Kino Style Teleporter: marsvinking & ADDICTED Fan Blade Traps: MakeCents Shootable Teddybear Music EE: death_reaper0 Lunar Lander System: jei9363
// Cooldown time wait 60; trig enable_trigger(); } }
Thx for the script Could i use this with a trigger multiple and without cost and without the hintstring and only 1 time usable because i want to use this to teleport in a bossroom.
Is it possible to force a round change with a trigger and kill the zombies that are left from the last round? If it's possible could somebody make a script for me? Help would be appreciated
Hello everyone, I have a problem with UGX standalone v1.1, compile the map and has an error at the end that is: #ERROR: Could not open 'vision /' Failed loading 'vision /' of type 'rawfile' found in source file '../zone_source/day.csv' But this error does not stop the process from being stopped and ends well but at the time of playing when entering the menu when you select the game mode and others does not appear the option to start game. I tried several things, I thought the map had problems and I made a new one but the result is the same.
That error doesn't cause the invisible start button. To see the start button you have to go to the ugx settings in the main menu and tick the weapon bob/sway to on, reduced or off. You have to do this everytime if you want to play your map.
Can i add more than 1 initial zone (zones that are activated by map start) ? How do i add them because i`m getting erverytime bad syntax errors if i try to add more zones in the initial zones section.