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Messages - gabriex555

I managed to edit quick revive file. Just copied it to /usermaps/mapname/scripts/zm/_zm_perk_quick_revive and added
Code Snippet
to the zone file.
8 years ago
This happened to me due to joints in wrong places. Check if all your joints are at their correct place (Like tag_clip under tag_weapon)
8 years ago
I think you can just drag the anim file onto the exe file and it will auto convert for you. What you're doing wrong is that the export2bin exe isn't in the folder you're using cd to access, but in system 32. So, either just drag the file or do:
Code Snippet
cd C:\WINDOWS\system32
export2bin E:\Pablo\Mod Tools\Exports\M1911\anims\yourfilename.extension
Make sure to change yourfilename.extension to the filename you're using ;)
8 years ago
Not its not reflection probes. Black Ops 3 doesn't have that same issue as World at War.
This is actually a cool feature for Black Ops 3, the red represents where a grime texture can be applied - and since you don't have one applied it just shows up red. Add a grime volume and set the colour maps to whatever material you like (like snow, dirt, water, etc).

Awesome, didn't knew that!  :D
8 years ago
You're probably missing a reflection probe
8 years ago
How did you fix it?
8 years ago
I managed to edit quick revive gsc file :P
8 years ago
Should we just wait until pcdev fixes this? Is there any way for us to do so (fix the issue)?
8 years ago
Another question, does anyone else have no fire sound and "glitchy" looking zombie walking anims?

YES, anyone know what's up with that/how to fix it?
8 years ago
I can't tell if this was a glitch with the level or with the UGX Mod, but I was playing Gun Game on your new version and the powerups that you get for killing the special zombies wouldn't show up for some of them.

can you tell me where you were when this happened?

Post Merge: May 18, 2014, 01:22:16 pm
very great map perfect il hope you keeping updating the map with more features for later  ;)

p.s only the customizing character is not working with me or does any els have error on that part ?

thanks! Not sure about the create a character part though...

Post Merge: May 18, 2014, 01:23:30 pm
The download doesn't work whenever I click it it tells me to enter a Captcha but I can't enter it because it says this:

(Image removed from quote.)

I reload the page and the same message comes up over and over again. Please help? Maybe provide a secondary link?

Not my fault, it`s the site that`s blocking you off. As said above, try disabling ad blockers and things like that.
11 years ago
Updated download link to the new version, check changelog for details
11 years ago
This bug has to do with a condition Treyarch implemented that defaults to ending the game when the damage mod isn't correctly specified. This is removed in UGX-MOD v1.1 so things like hurt triggers and dodamage functions aren't going to end the game.

So in V1.1 a normal damage trigger will not glitch the game?
11 years ago
It wasn't me who stepped on it, there were 4 of us who wanted to try it out and one of us trod on the lava and it reset the game both times, then we abandoned the map as clearly it wasnt in a playable state

Ok, removed the lava (at least for now). Thanks for the feedback.
11 years ago
Yes, thats what happened when i played last night, that wasnt a question.

Oh ok :P So, you just walked on the lava, and the map restarted itself? Were you damaged, or suffered much damage before stepping on it?
11 years ago
pretty decent map  :) liked the free raygun for filling all the boxes. liked the ending too thought i had to carry on.

one thing i did notice was when the box moved to the ak47 room it seemed to be backwards
thanks! I am updating the map, will upload really soon, and the box will be fixed then.
11 years ago
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