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Messages - GrantArctix

Code Snippet
function player_teleporter_init()
player_tp = GetEntArray( "teleport_player", "targetname" );
for( i = 0; i < player_tp.size; i++ )
player_tp[i] thread player_teleport();

function player_teleport()
destination = GetEnt(, "targetname" );
self waittill( "trigger", player );
player SetOrigin( destination.origin );
player SetPlayerAngles( destination.angles );

Create a trigger radius or trigger multiple then give it the KVP "teleport_player" "targetname". Now create a script origin, set its client KVP to server, and deselect it. Now select your trigger first, then your script_origin and hit w. Now you can select both and copy them as many times as you want. Changing the angle of the origin will change the player angle after tp'ing.

Thank you very much! Also I enjoyed your minecraft map it was really well made :D
7 years ago
I was wondering if anyone had or could create a script that acts as a portal like in the map Shadows of Evil. Just a simple portal would be nice too. If the player touches it they get transported to another location. If any one could help it would be greatly appreciated  :)
7 years ago
Thank You MAK911! I Really appreciate you helping me out here!
8 years ago
So basically i wanted to make a teleporter that didn't require a link to the main frame. Similar to the one on Der Eisendrachen as seen here : . If you could tell me how to do this that I would much appreciate it  :D .
8 years ago
Okay I will try to do that thanks!
8 years ago
So I have been trying to import guns and their anims for a while now, and every single time I get it into the game it looks like this

I'm really getting tired of it so if you have any segestions it would be much appreciated
8 years ago
By the way this model was Ripped using these tools


 Also here's a 2d view

Credit to Nintendo for making this model.
 Also In regards to @RadimaX the lighting was changed briefly

And to @InFInIX Thanks I will fix that
9 years ago
Hello UGX community I would like to preview my FIRST zombie map ;D.
I've been working on this for awhile now.   
Mario Sunshine was a great game. I really enjoyed running around Delfino Plaza so did you right?

Any way this map features the following perks
 -Quick Revive
 -Speed Cola
 -Double Tap Root Beer
 -PhD Flopper
 -Deadshot Daiquiri
 -Mule Kick

The map also features a kino style teleporter
And a UGX Jukebox

As well as buyable doors

Multiple mystery box locations

Risers and barrier spawners

And yes the roof is accessible by ladders....

I will Hopefully be adding more scripts if I can.
 <3 Thanks for being a great community <3

9 years ago
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