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Topics - PetriKore34

I can compile my custom zombies map, i get a few errors, but I have been able to load in and test my map up until today. I go to load in and I get  the following:
**** 1 script error(s):
 "luiload" with 1 parameters in "scripts/zm/zm_project1.gsc" at line 80 ****
**** Unresolved external "luiload" with 1 parameters in "scripts/zm/zm_project1.gsc" ****
I have looked into that file and I don't see anything that I can tell is wrong but my knowledge of scripting is basically non existent. This is my first crack at making a map and I am starting to feel like I am wanting to change/add too many things for my first time.
The black ops 3 console comes up with alot of errors, mostly not being able to find weapons, fx, materials. In addition to not being able to find a rawfile.
I very much appreciate those of you who take your time to help me fix my mistakes.
12 months ago
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