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Topics - akagraffiti

Hey whats up ugx. I got this quick tutorial today, and it's just some basic code u add to your map .zone file,and into ape.

Here's the Code:

Here's a tutorial on my channel that i have made to show u how to use this code:

Hope this helped you guys if it did, and you would like to see more tutorials like this. Then please show me some love, and leave a sub, or even a like.Enjoy

8 years ago
Hey I was wanting to see if u guys could help me out. I know ur busy, but it could really help the community. I fixed all of the sounds that treyarch messed up now I want to change the mystery box. I have taken the shadows of evil model, and I made the animations for them. When I go in game it works but the starting box always has the box door open cause that's what the export looks like. After you hit the box the lid closes, and then opens then it works how it should, and the lid stays closed.
This is how it looks before u hit it for the first time.

Then after u hit it the animations work then it goes to normal

would really appreciate the help
8 years ago
Check out my video with all the sounds working. Please leave a like comment, and sub, and make sure to credit me, and the people who helped me. for all my, and their hard work. Thanks enjoy.
8 years ago
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