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Topics - TheBottleCap

So I started to add my own textures in Rad for my new map, and in game they look fine, but in Rad, they are the default blue and grey box textures. It is annoying because in Radiant, everything is see-through. It's not a major glitch, but I would still like to know if there's a fix. :accepted:
8 years ago
This is stupid. I started making a map recently and everything was going fine. I decided, hey lets add a barrier, so I did. Then I decided to test it out. So when I click play, it starts the loading screen, then the game crashes. Then It opens the WaW console and sais, Unhandled Exception Caught. It doesnt give me any information about the error, so I don't know what to do. Is there a fix for this, or do I have to restart?  :gusta:  :derp:
8 years ago
I have two maps that I am working on, my Das Hotel that I recently released, and a new project I am working on. I installed Harry's perks and now I get a

 if( modderHelp( trigger_core, "Missing mainframe trigger with Targetname KVP 'trigger_teleport_core'.")

I dont know why I get this error when I try to use Harry's perks, please help me  :alone: :derp:
8 years ago
This is probably a simple fix, and I've noticed that this happens sometimes I make a map, and doesn't on other maps. But the problem is, when I load my map, it doesn't take me to the map menu. It stays on the campaign menu and the only way to access my map is from using "devmap". I would greatly appreciate if someone could help. :alone:
8 years ago
This map Requires T4M! This is also my very first map, so please message if there are any major glitches!!!  :gusta:

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This video is from my channel, it's a small gaming channel, so check it out if you want!

Das Hotel, also known as Zotel in the download, takes place in an abandoned hotel.
The story is your an investigator that has traveled to the hotel for your case, but when you arrive, you realize everyone is gone, and the zombie horde has begun.

Harry's perks
Bo2 guns
Bo1 guns
Wonderweapons: Blundergat, Wunderwaffe, Scavenger, Atomic Levatator, Harry's Ray Gun mk2

Credits: Harry for the perks and Ray Gun Mk2
Natesmith for the BO2 guns
ZK for the shootable door script
Rorke for the BO1 guns
Sajeone for the map download tut.
Me: for making the map! lol  :troll:  :rainbow:

Double Post Merge: October 18, 2016, 11:27:22 pm
I forgot to add a list of known bugs, so here they are:
Some B02 guns don't have iron sights
Some guns have ray gun mk2 bullet fx, doesnt effect anything except the looks though
8 years ago
Hey everyone, so you probably don't know who I am, because I am pretty new here, and I've always wanted to make my own map, so I did.  Basically it is a hotel map, nothing to complicated but it's pretty cool, but heres the problem, I need to make my map downloadable for other. I know there is UGX map Installation Creator, and I got it but the instructions are kinda confusing to me, and I also need to know if there is a special way I need to compile my map (check more stuff than usual). That's my problem basically, and I might seem stupid, but I'm still a beginner and I just want others to play my map. Also, if you do help, don't think I wont give youy big props when it releases.  ;)

Double Post Merge: October 18, 2016, 11:51:40 pm
Nvm I figured it out, alot easier than I thought
8 years ago
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