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Topics - Morpheusxx22

Well the title looking for a youtube partner. I have so many ideas to bring to the table for youtube. I'm not only going to be making videos but I will also be making my own maps, my own music for montages for all the zombie videos. Like I said I have so many ideas to bring to the table and I think they will be awesome. If you have a youtube channel that i can check out than put in the comments and I will check it out. Let me know. Have a decent pc and a good mic.
8 years ago
What's Up Zombieslayers!!!

What's Up Guys!!!

My name is Morpheus and I'm here to ask for dedicated zombie players. I'm talking about at least 4 hrs a night when we play zombies. Right now on Twitch I have 40 followers and would love to grow the channel. I also have a youtube channel that I am dedicated to, and on that I have over !,400 subscribers. So basically I am looking for players that are professional and want to make on twitch and on youtube. My only requirements are that be on for at least 4 hrs a night when we stream. Having a good computer to be to handle anything that we can play. Be professional about it, basically of what i mean by that, is having a good microphone, no cursing, well at least not alot of it but just watch it. Be entertaining, here's another one to if you have a youtube channel that you want me to check out I will basically look at professionalism, good attitude and like I said not alot of cursing in your videos. I'm not looking for little kids to play with. I'm looking for adults or if your at least 16 or older by all means join me and let's take on the online gaming community by storm.
8 years ago
Well, here i am again. still looking for zombie slayers. please have a decent computer in order to have good quality zombie content. I make youtube videos and wanting to do it daily however my friends and I are still working on there computers. i am currently buying parts and buying a computer for friend or at least trying to. but for now i need some people to fill in there spots. I want to be able to uploading daily content and so on. I bascially want to save the best maps for when i get my friends all settled and stuff. but for now i need some people to fill in. i am basically looking for people who either have a youtube channel, who looks and acts professional. also would for you to be at least at a mature age. if you have a youtube channel it would help me out to see what type of person you are. i also would like for you to play daily. as like i said i want daily content to go out at least every other day. please have a good decent computer and a good mic because thats important. is good quality. can you fit and be able to hang. lets do this. add my steam name and we will talk there. morpheus2214
9 years ago
Hey guys so I've been trying to build this zombie team the last couple of months so far no luck. Look I'm looking for 3 other people to play with. What I am looking for is professionalism mainly and maturity. I need someone who is old to understand what I'm trying to build here. I wanna be like very serious about being on youtube and such I currently have 2 youtube channels. one is LEGITSTRATEGIES, and the other Video of the Dead. I want to take my channel to the next level. i know how  to upload and render and record in full 1080p. so are you up for the challenge and please have a youtube channel i wanna be able to have at least an idea on what your personality is like and see what kind of person you are. I hope that aint to much to ask anyway I'll leave both of my youtube channel links down so you can check'em out. So let the adventure begin.
9 years ago
Hey guys i've been playing zombies for a really long time. who doesn't ' like killing the undead flesh eating monsters right. so recently i have opened a new zombie channel called Videos of the Dead. I've been trying to get my friends to play but they don't have their pc's yet. so as of right now i am making a temporarily team. i have a video of explaining what i would like to have for the team. but because you all are gong to be looking at this on here so i've decided to put some stuff on here.

1) You must be Professional
2) at least 15 and mature
3) a decent microphone
4) a decent pc to handle custom zombies
5) a youtube channel to show me what kind of person you are.

Now i know the 5th one seems a bit odd but i dont want people cursing like it's no tomorrow. i want to find people who are serious and to be professional. need people who have an outgoing personality. so let's have some fun guys. Happy hunting.

Here is Videos of the Dead:

and here is the rules so to speak:
9 years ago
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