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Messages - Hi5er

Hi guys, I thought it might be easier to stick these all in one post instead of creating multiple threads, so hoping someone can help me.

1.   Are there any topics that go through putting Zappers into a map? I am aware of the models and where they’re located, but I don’t know how to “wire” (ha) them up.
2.   Are there any topics that go through adding in a random box that moves?
3.   Are there any topics that go through adding Black Ops 1 perks in a WaW map?
4.   If you accidentally place a Key/Value on an object in the entity window, how do you remove it? (i.e. if I put a script_noteworthy on an object by mistake, I can delete the Value and leave it blank, but how do I remove an actual Key?)

I have tried Googling these things, but Google comes up with a lot of irrelevant results and I can’t seem to get the search function working on the UGX site.

There’s no need to explain each concept to me here (unless you want to) as I am sure there must be resources out there for these things already so I wouldn’t want anyone wasting too much time on me, but I am struggling to find them.

Many thanks.
6 years ago

It would be a lot easier if the search function was working properly lol...
6 years ago
Hi guys, wondering if anyone can help point me in the direction of how to set this up. I have the UGX prefabs pack, but simply adding multiple boxes into my map isn't enough, I'm obviously missing a couple steps - can anyone advise?

Many thanks.
6 years ago
This would probably have something to do with your traverses and path nodes overlapping indeed. Take a look at the position mentioned in the error (you can go to a specific position in radiant by one of the menu buttons in the top) and check which two nodes overlap. If it overlaps, move the path node a little bit.

(It could be that the traverse nodes are filtered away, causing you to not see the overlap. Check your filter settings in Radiant.


That was indeed the error, thanks for helping Lukkie.

For anyone reading this in the future, I had to go to the following in Radiant: Misc -> go to specific point -> paste in co-ordinates, then simply move the pathnodes a little as Lukkie suggested.
6 years ago
Thanks for the explanation and help guys.

Funnily enough upon compiling my map this morning I got these 3 errors (which I haven't seen before).

WARNING: NEGOTIATION node at (-192.000000 474.000000 40.000000) overlaps other nodes
WARNING: NEGOTIATION node at (-218.000000 184.000000 40.000000) overlaps other nodes
WARNING: NEGOTIATION node at (218.000000 184.000000 40.000000) overlaps other nodes

Would that be anything to do with reflection probes overlapping, or is this something unrelated? I have a few path nodes which would be my second guess.
6 years ago

Welcome to UGX! Have a great time here, we're looking forward to your further releases!


Cheers Lukkie, I'll be sure to post something soon, although I generally like to take my time with these things.

Eey welcome!

Cheers Gympie!
6 years ago
Hi guys, I am new to the forum and mapping community (and even modding in general!). I have followed the 24 video series on youtube by GameVids and have successfully created a one room map with all features (perks, power, guns, zombies, dogs, zoning etc) and it was a ton of fun!

I am now working on my own creation, something slightly bigger, but still small scale compared to some of the other custom maps I’ve seen.

Hope to release a few of my future projects on here and enjoy some of yours.
6 years ago
Hi guys, probably a silly question, but I am new so be nice  :)

I am just adding lights to my first project and I wanted to understand how reflection probes should be used.

A video I watched seemed to suggest that you need one directly under every light source in your map; is this correct? If not can someone please explain how and when/where they should be used?

Many thanks.
6 years ago
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