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Messages - Lord Failure

This may be a stupid question but since this map uses UGX Mod I guess it's kind of relevant (?)

I accidentally switched the input from mouse and keyboard to Xbox controller inputs. I can't do anything now as I don't own an Xbox nor any Xbox controllers and I can't do anything on mouse and keyboard. Does anyone know how to fix this?
8 years ago
This map makes me both happy and sad

This map is the only way I'll ever be able to get the Marshall 16 on a zombies map  :alone:
8 years ago
Hey stevie that was a funny af render you did in /r/codzombies

post that shit
8 years ago
I'm honestly pretty hyped for this. Sure Activision isn't the purest of a company in any sense and yeah we can all agree that COD is their biggest cash cow and that they'll milk every last drop of it's quickly drying milk, but let's just take a step back from the business side of the drama and give some props to the devs. They don't sit in chairs rigging and modeling, sound designing, animating and coding with ATVI poking a dick into their backs for fun; I truly feel like this will be a worthwhile labor of love, even if it's evolved way past what it's origins were.

This might just be me (a person that joined the cod scene relatively late in the game, around MW3. Cod4 was my third cod game behind MW3 and BO1.) but I'm quite happy with the variety we've had this series go through. We've gone through some of the most amazing backdrops in history, from the European and Japanese theaters of WW2, modern day conflicts that span the globe, and even a few dives into our distant future. I personally feel like this change is good, it offers a variety of stories to be told and multiple experiences to be had. Of course radical change in too short of a time is gonna seriously damage a pre built reputation, and that's really my only gripe with the series game wise.

I can't wait to see what IW has made for us this time around, something they've been working on for the past 3 years ever since Ghosts released. I just really want for people to really appreciate what the devs are doing despite having the "punishment" of having a company front bent on making bank be their public face.
8 years ago
I was honestly hesitant about playing this map due to how much you advertised the difficulty and how challenging it looked, but I remembered how much fun Hex Tower was and so I gave it a go.

Starting off was really rough; I used up all of my Quick Revives before I made it to the third floor, but once I got Jugg it came in clutch and forgot about how needy I was with QR. I especially loved the layout in the middle floor areas with all the different pathways and ramps that you could jump or run on to escape.

I was wondering why PHD was at the top floor, but once I got it and realized that dolphin-diving explosions were in the map I instantly knew why.  ;) You can literally just spam explosions by whaling off the edge and landing on the first floor lol.

Overall a really solid map, loved the challenging nature, and I'll definitely be going for the buyable ending next time around.
8 years ago
Love this map. I love the claustrophobic, eerie feeling from the tight playing area and the darkness that's everywhere. Also pretty fun searching for the items to progress through the area as well. One thing I noticed was that the standard knifing swipe doesn't inflict damage or kill instantly, taking about a full second to kill or register. The lunging knife attack works fine though. Still it's a really fun map. Definitely gonna consider voting this one up.
8 years ago
Great map. Nice looking, very detailed, and the other game modes besides the original were fun as well. On gungame, I noticed that the SWAT-556, whenever it was pack-a-punched, didn't really utilize whatever the "5" button was for. It just tilted the gun a bit like it was about to switch to an underbarrel grenade launcher, but then it switched back into the primary burst fire mode. Not sure if this transfers into the other game modes as well as that was the only time I got the PAP SWAT-556.

I also noticed that one of the doors on the second floor occasionally takes a while to actually bust down, as it breaks off the jamb but doesn't fall and instead glitches through the doorway for a few seconds before popping out. It's the door down the long second floor hallway that leads to the hole in the ground that drops to the first floor.
8 years ago
This looks sick, that trailer got me hyped as hell. Hope you get that game-breaking bug fixed up as well. One thing though, is the boss that was in the trailer the Bogeyman from Silent Hill: Downpour? The model looks very similar, if not exactly like it.
8 years ago
Wheres the second door
How do you pap , I'm suck a skrub
Anyone know where the second door is

Come one now, is it really too hard to go back a post or two and check?

9 years ago
I was blown away by the quality of this map right from the get-go. Then I was even more blown away as I explored the map. The bosses especially were great additions, and I felt like I was being sent back to Industrial Estate running away from all the crawlers and juggernauts. Massively exceeded expectations, and massive props to you Stevie.

Speaking of betas and beta testers I'd be willing to bug-test a few maps for anyone at all interested but that's none of my business ...
9 years ago
I forgot that Oilrig was to be released on the 8th, so I thought it'd be released today  :alone:

I'm not even mad because this is just as great.
9 years ago
I'm having a bit of trouble with this map. I'll start by saying that it runs lethargically slow; now I'm not saying my computer is a literal potato as it isn't the highest end computer on the market, but it was able to run v1.0 at a comfortable 25-30 fps at high settings. Now v1.1 can barely hold up maybe 10-15 fps at normal or even low settings. I also noticed a lot of console spam. I know that v1.1 had a fix that, for the most part, removed the console spam from v1.0, but this is just unreal amounts; a whole lot of errors and failures to load certain things Any thoughts or suggestions on a fix?
9 years ago
I love this map so much. It's tight and narrow so you don't feel so safe and plenty of great choke points. Reminds me a little bit of Industrial Estate except for the fact that it's actually POSSIBLE to get to Round 10 solo on this map AMIRITE GAIS?!
9 years ago
I had an issue where I came up to the base of the stairs that had Stamin-Up next to it, and while I was running, I get an instant Game Over. What happened there?
9 years ago
Very rarely do I open up Osu! and play it.

I suck  :'(
9 years ago
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