Venom's Black Ops II Zombies and Multiplayer Viewhands for Black Ops
Hello, people of UGX-Mods. I present to you my Black Ops II Viewhands pack for Black Ops 1. These view hands are meant to be used by modders for their own projects. Some of these viewhands also use SW4 materials, using the full capabilities for the Black Ops Mod Tools. These hands also work with dual wields, or sync dual wields.
Tranzit/Die Rise/Buried
Misty (c_zom_farmgirl_viewhands)
Russman (c_zom_oldman_viewhands)
Samuel J. Stuhlinger (c_zom_reporter_viewhands)
Marlton Johnson (c_zom_engineer_viewhands)
(Grief Mode)
CIA Agent (c_zom_suit_viewhands)
CDC Agent (c_zom_hazmat_viewhands)
Mob of the Dead
Michael O'Leary or Inmate from Grief Mode (c_zom_oleary_shortsleeve_viewhands)
Albert "The Weasel" Arlington (c_zom_arlington_coat_viewhands)
Billy Handsome (c_zom_handsome_sleeveless_viewhands)
Salvatore "Sal" DeLuca (c_zom_deluca_longsleeve_viewhands)
(Grief Mode)
Guard (c_zom_grief_guard_viewhands)
Tank Dempsey (c_zom_dempsey_viewhands)
Nikolai (c_zom_nikolai_viewhands)
Takeo Masaki (c_zom_takeo_viewhands)
Edward Richtofen (c_zom_richtofen_viewhands)
Diner/Buried Turned
Male Zombie (c_zom_zombie_viewhands)
Female Zombie (c_zom_buried_zombie_sgirl_viewhands)
How to Install Assets
Download the assets from the MEGA folder into a ZIP folder. Extract to your Black Ops Mod Tools directory.
Once done, open Asset Manager, and convert all of the materials first. Once you're done with that, convert the xmodels.
Installing to your mapFirst, open up your mapname.gsc. Scroll down until you find this line.
player_set_viewmodel_override( entity_num )
switch( self.entity_num )
case 0:
// Dempsey
self SetViewModel( "viewmodel_usa_pow_arms" );
case 1:
// Nikolai
self SetViewModel( "viewmodel_rus_prisoner_arms" );
case 2:
// Takeo
self SetViewModel( "viewmodel_vtn_nva_standard_arms" );
case 3:
// Richtofen
self SetViewModel( "viewmodel_usa_hazmat_arms" );
You're going to next, replace the viewhands available from that list, with the ones from the list. It might come out like this, as an example.
player_set_viewmodel_override( entity_num )
switch( self.entity_num )
case 0:
// Dempsey
self SetViewModel( "c_zom_suit_viewhands" );
case 1:
// Nikolai
self SetViewModel( "c_zom_hazmat_viewhands" );
case 2:
// Takeo
self SetViewModel( "c_zom_suit_viewhands" );
case 3:
// Richtofen
self SetViewModel( "c_zom_hazmat_viewhands" );
That is an example with CIA and CDC hands.
Once done, go to your mod.csv and add the hands. This is an example.
xmodel, c_zom_suit_viewhands
xmodel, c_zom_hazmat_viewhands
However, I left a list in this post of what hands you can use. Should be easy to install, if you ever set viewhands for World at War. Which leaves me to this.
For World at War users
These viewhands can be installed to your World at War mod tools as you wish. However, you must invert the _rgh or _g textures, as Black Ops has a different gloss technique than World at War. World at War's Gloss System is, well... White = Shiny, Black = Dull.
Black Ops is the exact opposite. That's why these viewhands are made for Black Ops primarly.
Also, you must setup the materials with Model Phong by yourselves. I cannot provide a GDT for World at War as of this time.
The script doesn't work with World at War.
Scobalula/DTZxPorter - Greyhound and Wraith, GameImageUtil
Venom Modding - Porting viewhands with the SW4 technology within the Black Ops Mod Tools
Billy Herrington - MoTD Grief Hands (though, I might have used my own versions)
Treyarch/Activision - Call of Duty: Black Ops Mod Tools
SE2Dev/Nukem - game_mod/LinkerMod
Direct Download
As of January 12th, 2023, the button will no longer be allowed as a primary link. It can, however, be used as a secondary mirror. Due to the fact that ads do get out of hand and can get quite impossible to download stuff. Mirror Link
To download, click the button below. Yes, I am aware that it is a link shortener. By shortening links, it lets me bring more projects for everyone to enjoy, such as assets, maps, mods, etc.
If there is anything I missed, please let me know and I will get to fix it fast. Thanks.
Update v1.2.1
- It's just v1.2, but this time, there's more links. This is in compliance with the new rules about link shorteners. v1.3 is being worked on with new singleplayer hands.
Update v1.2
- Fixed Richtofen, Takeo, etc. viewhands. Now the normal maps and speculars don't look as weird as they used to. It's the same textures, just download the new GDT.
Update v1.1
- Multiplayer Viewhands.