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Messages - TotiJr

//This is the gsc file for the elevator
// ZombieKid164's buyable elevator
Code Snippet
#using scripts\zm\_zm_score;
#using scripts\shared\flag_shared;

function init()

//Things you can edit below \/
level.elevator_cost = 500; // Change this to change the cost of the elevator. Leave it undefined to make it free.
level.elevate_height = 250; //This is how far the elevator will travel up.
level.elevator_transition_time = 5; //How long it will take for the elevator travel.
level.elevator_cooldown_time = 30; // Cooldown time of the elevator.
level.zk_debug = true; //Enable or disable this to show action text in game. (Ex: "Debug: Elevator Moving" will be shown on the screen)
level.change_door_direction = true; //Change this to true if your doors slide backwards or forwards instead of side to side.
//Things you can edit above /\

level.elevator_trigger = GetEnt( "elevator_trigger1", "targetname" );
level.elevator_trigger_top = GetEnt( "elevator_trigger_top1", "targetname" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_bottom = GetEnt( "elevator_trigger_outside_bottom1", "targetname");
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top = GetEnt( "elevator_trigger_outside_top1", "targetname");
level.elevator_model = GetEnt("elevator1", "targetname" );
level.elevator_top_door = GetEnt("top_door1", "targetname" );
level.elevator_bottom_door = GetEnt("bottom_door1", "targetname" );
level.elevator_called = false;

function main()
level endon( "intermission" );
thread bottom_door_open();
level.elevator_trigger_top SetHintString( "" );

thread wait_for_buy_bottom();
thread wait_for_call_top();
thread zk_print("Awaiting Activation Protocol 13255");
level waittill("Elevator_Used");
level notify("elevator_moving");
thread zk_print("Activation Protocol 13255");
thread clear_trigger_text();

thread bottom_door_close();
thread elevator_rise( level.elevate_height, level.elevator_transition_time );
wait( level.elevator_transition_time );
thread top_door_open();
level.elevator_trigger_top SetHintString( "Performing Integrity Check: Stand By" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_bottom SetHintString( "Performing Integrity Check: Stand By" );
wait( level.elevator_cooldown_time );

thread wait_for_buy_top();
thread wait_for_call_bottom();
thread zk_print("Awaiting Activation Protocol 13255");
level waittill("Elevator_Used");
level notify("elevator_moving");
thread zk_print("Activation Protocol 13255 Recieved");
thread clear_trigger_text();

level.elevator_trigger_top SetHintString( "" );
thread top_door_close();
thread elevator_fall( level.elevate_height, level.elevator_transition_time );
wait( level.elevator_transition_time );
thread bottom_door_open();
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "Performing Integrity Check: Stand By.." );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top SetHintString( "Performing Integrity Check: Stand By.." );
wait( level.elevator_cooldown_time );

function elevator_rise( height, speed )
level.elevator_model movez (height, speed);
level.elevator_model waittill ("movedone");

function elevator_fall( height, speed )
level.elevator_model movez (height - (height * 2), speed);
level.elevator_model waittill ("movedone");

function bottom_door_open()
if(!level.change_door_direction == true)
level.elevator_bottom_door movex (130, 1);
level.elevator_bottom_door movey (130, 1);

function bottom_door_close()
if(!level.change_door_direction == true)
level.elevator_bottom_door movex ((-130), 1);
level.elevator_bottom_door movey ((-130), 1);

function top_door_open()
if(!level.change_door_direction == true)
level.elevator_top_door movex (130, 1);
level.elevator_top_door movey (130, 1);

function top_door_close()
if(!level.change_door_direction == true)
level.elevator_top_door movex ((-130), 1);
level.elevator_top_door movey ((-130), 1);

function wait_for_power()
level.elevator_trigger_outside_bottom SetHintString( &"ZOMBIE_NEED_POWER" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top SetHintString( &"ZOMBIE_NEED_POWER" );
level flag::wait_till( "power_on" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_bottom SetHintString( "" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top SetHintString( "" );
thread zk_print("Auxilary Power Active: All Systems Operational");

function wait_for_buy_bottom()
level endon("elevator_moving");
if( isDefined(level.elevator_cost) )
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Activate Protocol 935 [Cost: "+level.elevator_cost+"]" );
level.elevator_trigger waittill( "trigger", player );
if( isDefined(level.elevator_cost) && player.score >= level.elevator_cost )
player zm_score::minus_to_player_score( level.elevator_cost );
level notify("Elevator_Used");
thread zk_print("Activation Protocol Accepted");
else if( isDefined( level.elevator_cost ) && player.score < level.elevator_cost )
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "You do not have sufficient permissions." );
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Activate Protocol 935 [Cost: "+level.elevator_cost+"]" );
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Activate Protocol 935" );
level.elevator_trigger waittill( "trigger", player );
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "" );
level notify("Elevator_Used");
thread zk_print("Activation Protocol Accepted [Free]");

function wait_for_buy_top()
level endon("elevator_moving");
if( isDefined(level.elevator_cost) )
level.elevator_trigger_top SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Activate Protocol 13255 [Cost: "+level.elevator_cost+"]" );
level.elevator_trigger_top waittill( "trigger", player );
if( isDefined(level.elevator_cost) && player.score >= level.elevator_cost )
player zm_score::minus_to_player_score( level.elevator_cost );
level notify("Elevator_Used");
thread zk_print("Activation Protocol Accepted");
else if( isDefined( level.elevator_cost ) && player.score < level.elevator_cost )
level.elevator_trigger_top SetHintString( "You do not have sufficient permissions" );
level.elevator_trigger_top SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Activate Protocol 13255 [Cost: "+level.elevator_cost+"]" );
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Activate Protocol 13255" );
level.elevator_trigger waittill( "trigger", player );
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "" );
level notify("Elevator_Used");
thread zk_print("Activation Protocol Accepted [Free]");

function wait_for_call_bottom()
self endon("elevator_moving");
level.elevator_trigger_outside_bottom SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Activate Protocol 935" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_bottom waittill( "trigger", player );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_bottom SetHintString( "" );
level notify("Elevator_Used");
thread zk_print("Requested Activation Protocol 935");

function wait_for_call_top()
self endon("elevator_moving");
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top SetHintString( "Hold ^3&&1^7 to Activate Protocol 13255" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top waittill( "trigger", player );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top SetHintString( "" );
level notify("Elevator_Used");
thread zk_print("Requested Activation Protocol 13255");

function zk_print( string )
if( level.zk_debug == true )
iprintlnbold( "Brother Eye: "+string );

function clear_trigger_text()
level.elevator_trigger_outside_top SetHintString( "" );
level.elevator_trigger_outside_bottom SetHintString( "" );
level.elevator_trigger SetHintString( "" );
level.elevator_trigger_top SetHintString( "" );
7 years ago
Change what? Because there are only 3 statements that involve power? 

function wait_for_power()
level flag::wait_till( "power_on" );
 I already tried adding a 1 in each statement after the word "power" but the problem seems to consist, and for some reason after I change it on level flag it doesn't even bother showing up the debug text from that elevator.
7 years ago
Yeah, I've been able to successfully duplicate the files and change the target names, but when i go in game whenever i turn on power the new one i made works 100%, but the original still says it needs power. Any ideas? Maybe its conflicting functions to wait for power, but I'm not sure how to resolve that. And if it was that I'd think that the original one would work rather than the new one or the game would just crash.
7 years ago
Thanks, it worked. Does anyone know how to use multiple of these at a time? As soon as i turn on the power the game crashes. Im assuming it has to do with the triggers being the exact same, as well as the debugger saying the same thing. Would i just change the trigger names? How do i get rid of the debugger on only one so that it wont say everything twice?
7 years ago
Can one of you explain how you did it? I'm not sure where to put the script or which ksp to add or change.
7 years ago
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