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March 31, 2016, 08:32:24 am
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December 13, 2021, 03:56:54 am

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February 17, 2025, 05:08:21 am
These are not in any particular order but these are the top 30 maps I'd like to be remastered in BO3 custom zombies. When I mean remastered, I mean completely remade with the same layout but more detail (as will...
7 years ago
Two things that happened to my friend - not me, I was having a perfect game lol and we had to end it just because he got these two glitches.

1. The Panzer pulled him into the hanging bodies in the Shower room where he would become stuck in the bodies and also invincible. When he would try...
7 years ago
This is one of the three custom maps I've had the unhandled exception caught error on (the other two being Der Berg and Nightclub). I've tried multiple things like trying to enable stereo mixing (which I cannot do as it's not an option) and using verify integrity for WaW. What could b...
8 years ago
Only turn offs I see so far is my FPS, and the default M1911. I can deal with the M1911, and my FPS issue won't be a problem in a couple weeks. I'll try it then.

Only things I have a p...
8 years ago
There is nothing to understand, they are kids who know nothing...

+1 for respects to you.
8 years ago
I know right? like why don't they like it? One of them said that the spawn room looked 'out of place.' the rest didn't give a reason why...

It wasn't even that, she ...
8 years ago
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