Can we have a screenshot of the Black Ops III version, perhaps?
7 years ago
I'm calling the police.
7 years ago
I've seen character mods on the workshop, and I was wondering if someone can link me to a tutorial on the method behind converting viewhands from older CODs to BO3.
I know how to setup character tables and such, but I'm stuck on figuring out how to get custom viewhands working....
I know how to setup character tables and such, but I'm stuck on figuring out how to get custom viewhands working....
7 years ago
Why not try modifying the existing wallbuys by removing the decals from them, then placing them on top of the crate?
8 years ago
where can i find how to get the 4 main character talking?
none of the "fix all sounds" tuts i have found addressed the voices, just perks and guns.
pls help me out
8 years ago